Although in part 1 negativism I declare that we do not just boast the past but that does not mean we should forget the past Aceh both past and future into his glorious full of suffering, and departs from the past, that we will build the future of Aceh as a the nation's dignity and are able to stand in line with other ethnic groups in Indonesia and other nations in the world.
The Sultanate of Iskandar Muda
Sultan Iskandar Muda is the son of Princess King Indra Nation, descendants of the royal family of Darul Kamal and his father is Sultan Alauddin Mansur Shah who was the son of Sultan Abdul Jalil bin Sultan 'Alaiddin Ri'ayat Shah Al-Kahhar.
Great in the palace, when old enough Iskandar Muda sent his father to learn the Tengku In Bitai, one of the scholars of Baitul Mukadis pitch astronomy and physiognomy.
The young Alexander studied grammar from him. Furthermore Iskandar Muda father started receiving many famous scholars of Mecca and of Gujarat.
Among these are three very influential in the intellectual Iskandar Muda Abdul Khair Shaykh Ibn Hajar, Sekh Muhammad from Mecca and Sekh Jamani Djailani Muhammad bin Hasan Al-Raniry of Gujarat.
Consecrated on June 29, 1606, Sultan Iskandar Muda provide new order in the kingdom. He raised the traditional leaders of each tribe and prepared the country at the same time provide guidance qanun royal administration and the relationship between the king and the people.
During the 30 years of his reign (1606-1636 BC) of Sultan Iskandar Muda had brought the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam in glory. At that time, the kingdom has become the fifth largest Islamic empire in the world after the Islamic kingdom of Morocco, Isfahan, Persia and Agra.
The whole area of the Malay peninsula had been united under the kingdom and the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam economy has had good diplomatic relations trade internationally.
The people of Aceh were experiencing prosperity with arrangements that cover all aspects of life, which is made by Iskandar Muda.
In the works of foreign authors about the history of Aceh and Indonesia stated that the Sultan Iskandar Muda is the greatest sultan and famous in a series of names of the sultans who ruled in the Sultanate of Aceh. Under the reign of the sultan, the Sultanate of Aceh can reach its peak in the fields of law, politics, military, economy, religion, education, culture, and so on.
In Bustanus Salatin Nuruddin ar-Raniri works mentioned that the Sultan Iskandar Muda very keen to develop Islam in the Sultanate of Aceh. In each area ordered establish a mosque as a place of Worship. Furthermore, Bustanus Salatin also shows that the sultan was a pious and devout Muslim. He always recommend to people that embrace and implement the teachings of Islam in earnest and perfect.
Various regulations were issued to prevent the breaking of religious teachings, such as those prohibiting gambling and drinking. Additionally, Iskandar Muda also referred to as the sultan was very generous. Whenever go Friday prayers, he did not forget to bring a variety of gifts and alms to be given to the poor. In addition, Sultan Iskandar Muda also managed to make provisions on the procedure applicable in the Kingdom of Aceh and on the use of so-called royal seal stamp siekureueng or cab lightning. Set of provisions was then called by the name Indigenous Meukuta Alam.
Thus, the Acehnese culture is an aspect of civilization that is not identical in understanding the culture at large, because the segments are also cultural integrity of the building comes from the values of religion or law that animates the cultural creations. Islamic Spirit had been animating and turn the Acehnese culture that gave birth to philosophical values that eventually became the patron ideal cultural foundation in the form of narit maja, "Adat Bak Po Teumeureuhom, Hukom Bak Syiah Kuala, Qanun Bak Putroe Phang, Reusam Bak Lakseumana". Po Teumeureuhom, symbol of power. GITEC Shari'a law or religious symbol of scholars. Qanun, legislation appreciating the religion and customs. Reusam an order protokuler or ceremonial customs of experts or indigenous stakeholders. The development of the values of the order of reference to the source principle, namely "hukum adat Ngon Ngon lagee substance Sifeut"
An event that is touching and moving every soul, when the Sultan Iskandar Muda execute his own death (Meurah Pupok) according to the court verdict. All the princes of the kingdom at that time was silent because he dared not disobey the sovereign decision. Justice minister who holds the Sri Raja Commander Vizier tried to persuade, but the sultan remained in his decision. Sultan himself firmly said that if no one wants to do this punishment then he himself would do. Sultan Iskandar Muda said, "I will apply the law to the Crown Prince were severely. With my own hands will kupenggal neck my son because he has violated the laws and customs of this country. "From this incident appeared famous phrase: aneuk mate mupat jeurat, custom gadoh pat Tamita ('dead children is obviously grave, lost custom (law) to which was about to be sought' ), meaning that the law enforcing fair indiscriminate felling.
Behavior Fair
As the Muslim community, the Acehnese always associate justice with the teachings of Islam which they believe. According to Islam, justice or behave and act justly, how far a person is able to apply all the values and norms that exist in the teachings of revelation or consistency someone with the value of revelation in their everyday lives. Revelation is a source of absolute truth, justice is defined in it is justice in truth. Therefore, the concept of justice which is run by the sultan of Aceh is not independent of the influence of religious values that encourage people to do justice. To that end, the expression in Acehnese society, ade king worshiped the king, the king of kings Lalem refuted ('king of kings worshiped unfair, unjust king king denied').
Subject justice a coveted by mankind throughout the ages. Justice is everyone's demands. Justice is also the basis for harmonious social relationships. Therefore, justice becomes a central theme of any social change.
In the development of society, justice is not an end, but the fairness guarantee that the goal will be easily achieved. The ultimate goal can only be achieved through justice is the people's welfare. Without justice, welfare is only enjoyed by a group of people. To that end, the sultans who ruled in Aceh fair engrave words on the currency of issuance as a "reminder" for every person should always do justice to themselves and others. Moreover, a king of the people they lead.
Except from the Koran, can not be traced from the book where the sultans of the sultanate of Aceh took the phrase as-Sultan al-fair for inclusion in the eyes of the money they spend. However, it can be presumed that the sultan of Aceh based it on the Qur'an Surah An-Nahl: 90 which translates as follows: "Allah sent justly, and do good, giving to kinsfolk, and God forbid from evil, badness, and iniquity. He gave a lesson to you so that you may understand ". The verse like that based on the evidence contained in the book of quotations Taj-al-Salatinatau Taju-as-Salatin, which is the book of Kings Crown authored by Bukhari al Jauhari. The book contains guidelines for controlling the rule of Islamic teachings spread Islamic kingdoms in Southeast Asia. Most verses quoted from chapter to-6 Taju-as-Salatin, namely Innallaha yakmurukum bil Adli wal Ihsan ('Allah ordered to be fair and do good').
Sultan who ruled in Aceh realize that the position is the mandate that should be used for the benefit of the people, including through fair behavior. The sultan who ruled in Aceh in the past so sensitive to the justice, lest they injustice, people kill each other and deprivation of the rights of others illegally. It was as exemplified by the Sultan Iskandar Muda who had condemned his own because they have made a mistake. Therefore, when listening to the word fair, the Acehnese are always remembered and missed his past, a past that he never drove people to the height of glory in all fields, especially in upholding justice and the rule of law in earnest, during the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636).
8 (Eight) testament Sultan Iskandar Muda
First, let everyone without exception so always remember to God and fulfill His promise. The first Taushiah not only cater to the people alone, but also apply to all viziers, commanders, royal servants, even for the royal family. Through this testament has encouraged the growth of religious Girah and symbols of Islam in all regions of the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam.
Second, do not insult the king of Islamic religious scholars and intellectuals. The second message is primarily addressed to the king (yourself) before addressed to the people. It contains philosophy, that every leader (kingdom) not only good at giving orders, instructions to others, while for yourself ignored. This message is also reflected so well the relationship umara (king) with scholars and in the future. Cleric appointed as mufti kingdom. This is not apart from the message of the Prophet, "There are two classes of people, when the two groups were well then it will let all men. And if both are not good it will be devastated human life, it is the two groups of scholars and umara ".
Third, King of fast do believe if there is information or news was delivered to him. This testament is no cues correlated with the Qur'an (al-Hujarat: 6), so any news or information that is not yet clear, so that the truth investigation. The purpose so as not to cause a scandal among others.
Fourth, King let strengthen defense and security. The fourth testament is important, because with strong national defense, making it an authoritative state. Defense and security of the country is not only addressed to soldiers trained but also called upon the people to help each nation, religion and the homeland of all forms of threats coming from both inside and outside.
Fifth, the King shall populist, and often go down to the village to see the state of its people. This message was very sympathetic and as that is the soul of a caliph, not just sit and dwell in the palace with all the pleasures and luxuries, but all it actually used for the benefit of its people. King, not only experts hear the whispers of the vizier and hulubalangnya, the king not only good at receiving and reading the report of the messenger, but the king of the fair, wise and prudent and trustworthy witness firsthand what was going on and experienced by its inhabitants. The nature of such a habit of Caliph Umar when he was the Caliph. King greatly appreciate the achievements that have been made by the people, the good are rewarded, while those not well be sanctioned form of reprimand and warning.
Sixth, the King in his duties to implement the law of God. All provisions of God that must be executed contained in the Qanun al-Asyi. About the sources of law in the Qanun al-Asyi, emphatically stated, that the sources of the law of the Kingdom of Aceh, namely the Qur'an, al-Hadith Nabawi, ijma scholars, and qiyas, customary law, qanun and reusam.
Islamization of all aspects of Acehnese life symbolized by a hadih maja is philosophy of life, politics and the law for the people and the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam. It reads: "Adat bak Poteumeureuhom, hukom bak Syiah Kuala, qanun bak Putroe Phang, reusam bak Laksamana, hukom ngon adat lagee zat ngon sifeut". Listening to these expressions, obviously so kukuhnya pillar of Islam which is based on Islamic law in all regions of the Kingdom kaffah Aceh Darussalam. There is even a history that says Sultan Iskandar Muda, never punish her son for committing obscene acts with a woman who is not his wife.
Seventh, King banned from dealing with bad guys. This message is understood that everyone is obliged to uphold enjoining the good and eradicate all forms of badness. Kingdom does not provide the opportunity for anyone to undertake any form of disobedience that led to kefasidan. However, with regard to the religious symbols of royal provide full support to run.
Eighth, King shall keep and maintain the property and safety of people and prohibited act wrongdoers. This message is intended for the king to act fairly in all aspects, and does not apply to discrimination in law enforcement. People's rights safeguarded, and did not burden the people in things that are not capable of doing.
The conclusion that can be drawn from the Sultan Iskandar Muda is justice that applies to everyone, not just for small communities and are we imitate this? This is something we question, because the current government of Aceh in the hands of the people of Aceh who have struggled so ever for Aceh, but it seems justice is not their priority, we hear a lot of dissatisfaction that appear even fellow fighters themselves, such as when one of the characters slapped by his comrades in arms, and so forth, should when we are in the first fight so exalt and wants a return to the glory days of Iskandar Muda then we will not forget the concept of justice applied by Iskandar Muda so that the justice he was willing to lynch her own.
Therefore, it is nonsense if we want to build Aceh but do not apply the concept of justice in our government, because about justice a coveted by mankind throughout the ages. Justice is everyone's demands. Justice is also the basis for harmonious social relationships. Therefore, justice becomes a central theme of any social change.
Likewise, Have we apply to 8 testament Sultan Iskandar Muda? If we really want to restore the glory days when he led, it also means that we must have the courage to follow the noble values that exist in his tenure, always remember the phrase in Acehnese society, raja ade raja disembah, raja lalem raja disanggah ('king of fair worshiped the king, the king despotic king denied ').
Do not let injustice continues in the midst of the people of Aceh today, and if this continues then wait when you will be refuted by the people of Aceh.