Monday, 9 February 2015
The founder,T.Syafrizal’s life mission is to create new resources that enrich and empower the lives of children.
This is an Acehnese youth-focused educational non-government organization that is taking education to the small village and poor – literally.
After tsunami 2004 until 2009 The Yayasan Pembinaan Kegiatan Generasi Muda (YPKGM) foundation uses a mobile unit, fitted with education books and movies, story books, a computer, TV, LCD player and other electronic equipment to encourage children in Aceh to learn, And since 2009 until now, The Yayasan Pembinaan Kegiatan Generasi Muda (YPKGM) foundation building Childrens Learning Centers and development TBM unit in small village and poor (at 7 village) , fitted with education books, story books, a computer, TV, LCD player and other electronic equipment to encourage children in Aceh to learn.
The Children Learning Center unit, which usually has about 15 volunteer and the TBM unit 5 volunteer in attendance, aims to encourage children to read and learn in a fun environment. But now The Children Learning Center unit only has 3 volunteers , as is being done for the completion of the facility cost savings Children's Learning Center , while TBM currently employs one manager only.
Founded in 1994, by Mr. T.Syafrizal, known as Kak Ubit, the educational group was originally funded by the local cement factory for 3 years – a major employer of the community. Funding has come from various sources, including the latest donation from the "Aceh Lon Sayang", and before from Work Vision, CBM International, Parramatta City Council in New South Wales, Australia. Aid was channeled via ‘Youth off the Streets Limited-Sidney Australia’, etc.
The Aceh Lon Sayang money was used make and fix bookcase and Work Vision, CBM Internasional and Australian money was used to construct a single storey building for training and meeting space for Children Learning Center and BRR money was used to library building and books.
Formerly the foundation was housed in a building about 1 kilometer from the sea. The December 2004 earthquake and resulting tsunami destroyed the building. Of the foundations’ 30 main staff, about 20 are still missing, presumably dead
“While completing university, I returned to my home village during a break. I noticed children misbehaving, stealing items. My love of reading inspired me to set up an organization that could make education accessible to children, with the hope of reducing delinquency,” said YPKGM founder, Kak Ubit.
Now the foundation has had a permanent building as a child learning centers, but for finishing awaiting outside help in the form of grants, loan, and partnership or sponsorship
Children Learning Center is not equipped 100 percent with learning facilities, but for the service has been running continuously since 2010, including development of dance, drama (theater), the guidance of English, computer tutoring, reading and writing guidance, guidance Mathematics, small business counseling , agriculture, livestock and fisheries, and to sources of funding, the Children Learning Center also features a business unit sales of coffee, photocopy and stationery, photo studio, computer typing and grocery services. Although still relatively small, but has begun to give significant contributions to operational Children Learning Center, which are already able to buy LCD Projector and Plasma Televisions, Buy Computers and printers, electric and simply pay the transportation costs for the 3 volunteers.
The largest and toughest challenges facing T.Syafrizal today is proving that hard work, sincerity, honesty and sincerity in doing will give good results, but over time it has always been tossed around by pebbles that stand in his way and the harsh reality that must be he received, the volunteers who he coached from zero began to leave the boat in which he became commander and seek new boat that has been established.
T.Syafrizal grateful, minimum time volunteers results prove that his upbringing has managed to become a person with a good resource, and this is the vision and mission - so the quotation says he also SUCCESSFUL help communities create new resources.
Now he expects there will be others who want to come help and work with him to create more new resources to build a better Aceh, building a better Indonesia.
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