Repugees Location in Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Sabang, Pidie, Pidie Jaya, Bireuen, and Aceh Jaya.
Back ground:
Individuals, families and communities that have been effected by disasters (natural, man made or conflict) find themselves with many immediate needs. Alongside the most obvious support for housing, shelter, water and physical need, lies an apparent but equally important need for assistance to overcome the emotional and mental impacts of disaster.
One of the emotional and mental impacts of disaster is stress and depression. An empirical and systematic study to assess the psychological needs of conflict-affected population facilitated by IOM on February 2006 in Bireuen, Pidie and Aceh Utara showed that prevalence survivors suffered from trauma, stress and severe depression and other mental health problems is very high that almost the same with founding in Bosnia or Afghanistan ( 65% from total population suffered from symptoms of depression, 69% anxiety, 34% PTSD). In addition to that, according to WHO, prevalence of depression is about 20% in all over the World.
Stress and Depression can also suffered by individuals or those who are not affected by above mention disasters. Certain condition may cause children as well as adult suffer from depression. If not taken care of well in the earlier stage, or no supports from the family and the community, stress and depression might lead to a worse condition and further more to committing suicide. Though percentage of suicide case is very low in Aceh (4 cases reported in August 2006 from the whole population), awareness on depression is considered as important to be targeted to the community particularly people affected by disaster or who are vulnerable to depression and other mental health problem. With a better understanding on this issue, the community can help themselves and help people who suffer from depression or other mental disorder and not stigmatize them.
Children today are living in a hectic and changing world. Children are often forced to adjust to numerous adverse situations as divorce, neglect and death. Many children are trying to overcome the effects of poverty, frequent moves, poor living conditions and health problems. Assaults against children are on the increase. Verbal abuse is more widespread.
Research supports the use of stories as a method for helping individuals solve problems or better understand themselves in personal growth and affirms self-growth. This method is referred to as “Bibliotherapy.” Bibliotherapy has been defined as a process or activity designed to help individuals solve problems or better understand themselves through their response to literature. Obviously this has a therapeutic effect in the psychosocial sense as well as evidenced by research findings.
Through bibliography a child can release pent-up emotions and confront pain through discussion. Bibliotherapy is a valuable technique for both treating and, as well as preventing problems during childhood. As the teacher or counselor reads the book, children can learn how to solve problems as they observe the story characters. These observations can assist children in handling their own related problems. The interaction with the adult while discussing the books can help children gain more valuable insight as they Attempt to solve problems. For many children, realizing that others have suffered in much the same way will reduce fear and shame.
Problem solving is an attribute that is found in resilient children. When children are given some autonomy in decision-making they learn they have a degree of control over their lives. They learn to assess their strengths and weaknesses and accept that coping with stressful situations in life is a natural part of growing up.
With appropriate literature, teachers, counselors, and library staff can help children develop a better sense of control over their lives through problem solving. Establishing a problem solving process through the use of bibliotherapy can help children learn ways to deal with stress constructively.
In regard to effort for increasing role of library of mobile library and village library in society, awareness raising on Mental Health problem focusing on stress and depression will be held by Yayasan Pembinaan Kegiatan Generasi Muda (YPKGM) and all concerning parties through a Bibliotherapy Training (Mental Health or Psychosocial program), leaflet distributions, and sticker to schools and pesantren in 21 sub-province also village library and mobile library in 6 sub-province in Province of NAD. The Activity network will be passed off by in Banda Aceh at from date 7 – 12 April 2008 and lifting theme Bibliotherapy for overcome problem of stress and depression at children.
There are two main objectives this activity. They are:
1. To enhance understanding to the community particularly people affected by Tsunami, earthquake and conflicts on Mental Health problems and how to cope with them.
2. Implementation program which areas are most common in stress/worry in villages.
3. to determine if bibliotherapy is beneficial in reducing stress/worry in villages.
Mobile Library and Village Library is an education supporter program which either directly and also indirect interesting their read enthusiasm would which in the end will grow smart patterned thinking’s and self confidences flavor for pushing them continuously going forward attain dreaming of them.
The side of this read program as result of research of advance nations is an mental health therapy for children for overcoming the natural trauma of conflict and tsunami effect as statement following:
“Research supports the use of stories as a method for helping individuals solve problems or better understand themselves in personal growth and affirms self-growth. This method is referred to as “Bibliotherapy.” Bibliotherapy has been defined as a process or activity designed to help individuals solve problems or better understand themselves through their response to literature. Obviously this has a therapeutic effect in the psychosocial sense as well as evidenced by research findings.1
Through bibliography a child can release pent-up emotions and confront pain through discussion. Bibliotherapy is a valuable technique for both treating and, as well as preventing problems during childhood. As the teacher or counselor reads the book, children can learn how to solve problems as children in handling their own related problems. The interaction with the adult while discussing the books can help children gain more valuable insight as they Attempt to solve problems. For many children, realizing that others have suffered in much the same way will reduce fear and shame.”2
Life Challenges Addressed By Therapeutic Books for Children
• Domestic Violence; Sexual Abuse; Substance Abuse
• Coping with Death of a Loved One; Understanding Death & Grieving; Facing Terminal Illness
• Teaching Tolerance Towards/Making Friends with the Disabled
Family Variety
• Absent or Single Parents; Adoption; Divorce; Foster/Shelter Life
Feelings (Recognizing, Understanding & Coping with)
• Anger; Bullying/Teasing; Depression; Fear; Jealousy; Sadness; Self Esteem; Shyness
Handling Social Pressures
• Body Image; Making Friends; Personal Safety (includes Drugs); Separation
Hospitalization/Visiting Doctors
• What to Expect; Overcoming Fear & Misunderstandings; Coping with Surgery
Illness/Disability/Learning Differences
• AIDS/HIV; ADHD; Asthma; Allergies; Autism; Cancer in a Child/Adult; Cerebral Palsy; Cystic ‘Fibrosis; Developmental Delay; Diabetes; Down Syndrome; Epilepsy; Deformity; Hearing/Sight Impairment; Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis; Liver Transplant; Multiple Sclerosis; Organ & Tissue Donation; Prosthetics; Shunts; Sickle Cell; Speech Impairment/Stuttering; Spina Bifida.
• Building Mastery, Courage & Hope; Encouraging ‘Dreams Can Come True’ & ‘Belief in Self’; Explaining ‘It’s OK to be Different’; Using Books to Lift Children’s’ Spirits
Multicultural Tolerance
• Teaching Tolerance to Cultural Diversity
Physical Limitations
• Overcoming Physical Challenge; Reducing Prejudice about Physical Limitations
Problems in a Parent/Caregiver
• Depression; Mental Illness; Imprisonment; Unemployment
• New Sibling Rivalry; Supporting Siblings of Sick/Special Needs Children
Wheelchair Users
• Teaching Understanding and Tolerance; How Wheelchairs Give Independence
The Value Of Bibliotherapy for Children
1. Opens & Guides Discussion
2. Answers Unanswered Questions
3. Offers Understanding & Hope
4. Children Realize they are Not Alone
5. Rewarding to Caregivers
• Empowers
• Educates
An adjunct, NOT a substitute, for therapy
Post conflict and tsunami many activities manners which have been done for child and adolescent, but now after year elapse, disaster effect happened convalesce approximant at life activity generally, but for children and adolescent of this cure take place farther out, they peculiarly require attention is more seriously where to cure their learning motivation and learning enthusiasm which will extend their knowledge, activity require to educating and facilities preparations for the purpose. Through Mobile Library program and Village Library at special designed, we expect activity having the character of happiness and togetherness for motivating learning enthusiasm and read them can happened fulfilled.
Recommend different types of books each child has their own coping strategy for a personal problem. Referring to the divorce example, some children will want to read a book that closely parallels their own family situation. They want to read about characters that they can identify with in order to overcome feelings of isolation. Other children wanted a temporary escape from their personal problems. This may involve reading about a happy family where the parents are still married or they may want a science fiction novel (Chatton, 1988, 336). Other children may desire a book that will provides a humorous perspective on divorce (Sturm 2003). Librarians should recommend different types of books for children. For example, a librarian could recommend both a novel about divorce and a non-related fantasy novel that features a strong protagonist that may inspire the child.
Pay attention and educate children is their responsibility for example bywords which will be imitated directly or indirect by their children’s. With existence of reading books as supporters or manuals in applications various form of activities in everyday lives, we expect for old fellow / educator can make this place as factor is main in guiding their children.
Through encouraging feedback about the recommended resources, librarians can learn which resources are particular effective for specific problems. Furthermore, there always the possibility that child may be unsatisfied with the resources the librarian has recommended. Encouraging the unsatisfied parent or child to provide feedback provides the librarian with another opportunity to help them.
Expected Output:
1. The community particularly people affected by Tsunami, earthquake and conflicts enhanced understanding on Mental Health Problems
2. The community particularly people affected by Tsunami, earthquake and conflicts can help themselves and people with Mental Health problems
3. Stigmatization to people with Mental Health problem can be reduced
4. Realize role of library as information center and society learning center available for assisting to overcome problems of stress and depression through program Bibliotherapy
1. Awareness raising through Bibliotherapy activity focusing on depression and suicide. This activity is general information on Health, stress and depression consist of: what is depression, who can get depression, what to do about depression etc. The activity as a reminder that any body might suffered from Mental Health problem and it is easier to handle if family, the community and the broader society have a good understanding on such issue and support those who suffered from it.
2. Awareness raising through leaflet distributions to several locations in Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar and sub-province at entire conflict affected areas. Poster will be posted in strategic areas while stickers will be distributed to Library visitors and sticked to public or shuttle transportation to reach remote areas. Banners with depression-related message will be positioned at the cross roads. Since Leaflets, poster and stickers are long lasting and could be distributed to remote areas, it is a very handy materials for long term strategy to make this activity more than just a ceremony.
3. Teacher, counselor, trainer, and library staff can identify visitor especially children being experiencing stress and mental health is other swiftly and can give solution solving of problem of the with program Bibliotherapy where they can choose correct stories or book for faced by cases is the children, good with approach tell a story and also other techniques.
4. Bibliotherapy activity will be executed in constant and continual in village library and location visit of mobile library.
Primary factor for executing Mobile Library program and Village Library is media / reader and reading object. In this case method which specified as indicator of efficacy of program as follows:
1. Source of reading
2. Location
3. Reader
4. Counselor
Applying of methods for inviting children hanker to read truely difficult, some of they prefer to play at compared to read. Actually factor-factor resulting lazy them and tiring of to read is:
1. Reading is more have the character of scientific
2. Too a few appearance of object / picture
3. Too thick book
4. sometimes unmatched to children imagination
5. Roaring and narrow location
6. Illiterate
7. Counselors inexistence
The factor hardly influence children enthusiasm in reading, solution for the problem earn we create with guidance of base educate children that is how creating learning atmosphere at the same time play, if the atmosphere have been created by itself they will love to reading.
Elementary pattern that way applicable based on purpose of applying of program, like reading book how which we would give, and to children after finishing of how much/many this application will. For the purpose we have to particularly group books types and after readerses.
As for stories types, race type and reading book as according to age of child of earning we group as follows:
a. Story type
1. Fictitious like Fable Snow White Princess, Cinderella etc as according to child of age of 3 - 9 year
2. Adventure story like Story The Seaman Sinbad, story of child of jungle etc as according to child of age of 7 - 12 year
b. Reading material type
1. Direct pictorial Islamic Religion book can be imagined by reader. Like history of Rasul/nabi Anak Sholeh, Neraka-surga, etc fit for age children of 9-15 Year
2. Natural sciences book with present picture / object as information either through natural, technological and imagine for age children of 9-15 year
3. Book of history of national l public and pictorial, as memory and shadow for children who is and when actually the happened for age children of 9-15 year
4. Children’s magazines for ages children’s of 9-12 year
5. Islam nuance comic for age children of 10-15 year
6. Technical book of way of quickly read which good to age children of 5-10 year
7. Floral book and fauna for age children of 6-15 year
8. Linguistic clever book I English for language enthusiast English is special to be allotted.
9. Book quickly and accurate in calculating for enthusiast calculate, special to be allotted
10. Information book education of ladder to as evidence of efficacy of children aspiration for age of 10-15 year
11. Book of skill of hand for age children of 8-15 year
So that enthusiasm child and adolescent to visit library and diligent read, hence performed a various activity of supporters without forgetting purpose of the core important, that is growing read enthusiasm at child and the adolescent, so that the activity of supporter in the end claim child and the adolescent so that will read, for example Story teller which addressed for child of pre going to school and children in general, finally expected by the children will read book of source of story which submitted at story the teller, activity of drama also stimulate children for creative and create drama copy based on the storybook of library and that way further, the side is multifarious of read enthusiasm race also require to be done for motivating child of achievement and competition which will go with hard learning and effort which seriously.
Location target is Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Sabang, Pidie, Pidie Jaya, Bireuen, and Aceh Jaya is selected based on location situation which far from various educations facilities and dropping behind compared by other area.
Special for Village Library we recruit cadre from local friction citizen which will be given by training concerning bibliography beforehand and expected later can continue self the development of library where later YPKGM only acting as and builder coordinator only.
According to World Bank report of No. 16369-IND, and Study of IEA (International Association Evolution of the for Education Achievement) in Asia East, lowest-level reading among children is in Indonesia with score 51.7, below The Philippines (score 52.6); Thailand (score 65.1); Singapore (74.0); and Hong Kong (75.5). Not just that, the ability of Indonesian children in mastering reading materials is also lower, only 30 %. Other data also mention, (Ki Supriyoko Kompas, 2nd July 2003), in document of the UNDP in Human Development Report 2000, that in the adult literacy rate in Indonesia was only 65.5 %. While Malaysia achieved and developed nations like Australia, Japan, UK, Germany, and generally have reached 99 %.
United Nations Development Program in the year 2003 reporting that Human development index in Indonesia is still very low, that at the level of 112 from 175 countries. One of the causes for this is that the low quality of education has had a direct impact on the economic and health sectors. Moreover we live in an era of visual stimulation. Television and videogames take precedence over reading. We do understand that to inculcate healthy reading habits can be an uphill task as there is limited quality reading materials and the unaffordability of such materials even when available. Certainly the success of this endeavor will depend on the support all the components of the community that we intend to serve.
Bibliotherapy can be used as an effective tool for helping children cope with these stressors. Children may not discuss personal problems directly with a teacher or counselor regardless on how much they like or respect them, but they can often project their own problems in a much more impersonal manner through class discussion of main characters with which he has identified. The bibliotherapeutic approach can be beneficial when working with children for the following reasons. First, through books, a child can see how others confronted and solved problems similar to the child’s. Two, a child can see how others have encountered anxieties and frustrations, hopes, and disappointments, and then apply this insight to real-life situations. Three, a child can see how others have solved problems, and with the support of the helping person, gain insight into alternative solutions.
Librarians began to compile lists of books for therapeutic purposes into two distinct forms. One form went with earlier findings of helping individuals alter feelings, thoughts and behaviors or therapeutic literature. The second form came from counselors working with librarians approving literature for individuals undergoing emotional stress . It was this second form where individuals showed change through catharsis, or identifying with the characters.
YPKGM has been running this program at 10 locations in 2 sub-provinces that is Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar, and also we need 3 car for mobile library in Sabang, Pidie, Bireuen dan Aceh Jaya.
a. Development of activity region and progress of activity of this village library and mobile library followed also by operating expenses demand which progressively increasing, and because Institution Construction of Activity of The Rising Generation (YPKGM) don't have trust fund and also permanent donator, hence expected by is operational grants from trust grants or other party which will be able to support the operating expenses.
b. To guarantee continuity of development of read enthusiasm child and adolescent and also public hence addition of other reading material and book collection matching with requirement of era hardly required, minimum every 3 month once there is addition of new collection and there is also Newspaper and also weekly magazine or tabloid and this also require source of permanent financing.
a. As supervisor, builder, coordinator, and supporter and also executor from all the activity of libraries of Institutions Construction of Activity of The Rising Generation (YPKGM) as an institute which responsibility for the continuity of activity require to have building self property for office and children learning center.
b. Further addition of car armada for mobile library also needed to support area which not yet have village library.
Public Libraries should strive, as their resources permit, to provide bibliotherapy to individuals and developmental bibliotherapy to groups. Through providing bibliotherapy, public libraries will be providing an invaluable service to their patrons. In order for public libraries to thrive in the 21st century, public libraries must ensure that they find ways to remain a vital part of their community.
To organize the above mention training, we proposed that Sponsorship could cover the budget. Financial reporting will be supported with document/receipt.