Monday, 13 April 2015
UNDANGAN : Jadilah pembuat perubahan dengan menjadi Dewan Pembina Yayasan
Ayo ikut terlibat dalam gerakan sosial untuk membuat perubahan - membantu anak kurang mampu mendapatkan pendidikan gratis, kunjungi situs berikut
Saturday, 11 April 2015

Monday, 6 April 2015
The main advantage Activity Youths Development Foundation (YPKGM) is in the coaching program activities of the younger generation, especially in the field of psychosocial, construction area of dance and drama, as well as life skills training and community development programs in general.
YPKGM has experienced since 1994 and started walking on the professional stage by putting the main base while working with a variety of post-tsunami International NGO 2004 to mid-2009 for coaching youth programs, namely library development, life skills training, as well as psychosocial activities such as bibliotherapi program, and fostering cultural arts such as dance, drama, music, performing arts, music festivals, film etc.
Changes due to globalization
Globalization is affecting the lives of nations and countries in the world not only a challenge, but also at the same time an opportunity. The challenge is that the more extensive phenomenon resulting political boundaries, among the nation's economy becomes vague and relations between nations become so transparent. Globalization has a broad implementation of the livelihood and life of the nation.
Viewed from the perspective of nationalism, globalization raises the awareness that we are citizens of a global society and benefit from it, but on the other hand, is growing also preserve the impetus to grow and strengthen national identity.
As a result of economic globalization effect on, among others, in the form of the growing transnational corporations that operate without knowing the boundaries of the state. When economic globalization occurs, state boundaries will be blurred and the relationship between the national economy with the international economy will be more closely. Globalization of the economy on the one hand will bring the product from the market opportunities in the country to be competitive international market, the reverse is also opens the opportunity for global products into the domestic market. It is obvious that the national economy has become part of a global economy marked by the power of the world market. Therefore we as citizens should be able to compete with the other countries that we are not excluded by the intense competition in this era of globalization.
Here, the role YPKGM to help people, especially the younger generation to have a high human resources and able to face the challenges of the times without forgetting its identity as a nation Indonesia, the people of Aceh with dignity.
YPKGM current conditions:
1) Value Plus: - It has been experienced for over 21 years (since 1994) and have a good experience in cooperation with the National and International NGOs.
- It has its own building
1. Main Building size of 8.5 x 12 m (2 floors)
2. Building 2 size 9 x 12 m (first floor)
- Has 15 Kids Library / Reading Garden Gampong built in 15 Villages in 6 districts of the city.
- Has had the legality of the Decree of the Minister of National Human Rights and the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Value Minus: - Not Having its own funding sources
- Do not have a permanent job Partners
MAIN BUILDING (8.5 x 12 m - 2 floors) consists of:
1) Training Room size 4.5 x 8 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- Floor not ceramic (ceramic already there yet installed)
- Has had its own toilet
- Has had the power grid
2) Space Director of size 4 x 4 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- It has been available desks and chairs leadership
- Has had its own filing cabinet
- Has had a filing cabinet
- Has had Typewriter Electric
- Has Had 1 unit of Computer and Printer
Value Minus: - Tables and Chairs damaged Staff
- Do not have a sofa for guests
- The room is rather hot because the air conditioner is not installed
- Floor yet ceramic
3) Discussion Room size 4 x 8 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
Value Minus: - Chairs and tables do not exist
- Floor yet dikeramik
- Bulkhead room yet installed
4) Commercial Space (Hall) size of 8.5 x 12 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- Floor already ceramic
- Has had its own toilet
- Has had the power grid
- Has had sufficient Desk Chair
- Has had enough Estalase and Shelves
Value Minus: - There is no space kitchen Sets and special
- There is no ceiling
BUILDING 2 (9 x 12 m - 1 floor) consisting of:
1) Library Children's Room size 4 x 8 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- Has ceramic
- It has its own toilet
- It has been available Grid
- Collection of books pretty much ± 10,000 titles and 12,000 copies
Value Minus: - No computer with a special program for
the library
- Table Read / reading chair no
- The room is rather hot because the air conditioner is not installed
2) Computer Lab Room 3.5 x 4.5 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- It has been available Grid
Value Minus: - The roof is temporary
- Not ceramic
- No computer
- The room is rather hot because the air conditioner is not installed
3) Space Counseling / Health sizes 3x3 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- It has been available Grid
Value Minus: - temporary roof
- None, no facilities whatsoever
- Not plastered
4) The room staff size 4 x 4 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- Has ceramic
- It has been available Grid
Value Minus: - There are no facilities whatsoever
- The room is rather hot because the air conditioner is not installed
5) Audio Visual Room size 4.5 x 5 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- It has been available Grid
Value Minus: - There are no facilities whatsoever
- The roof while
- Tables / chairs no
- The room is rather hot because the air conditioner is not installed
To support the development of Children's Learning Center, YPKGM already have factors that can be considered as a power (strenght), among others:
1. Having a skilled and experienced workforce;
2. Have available the basic infrastructure, in the form of a permanent building.
Weakness (Weakness)
But in addition to the strength of the above, there are factors that can be considered as a weakness (Weakness), among others:
1. Support infrastructure and development activities of Children's Learning Center is still weak, due to lack of financing;
2. Lack of human resources professionals in the field of information and communication technology developers;
Some important aspects that can be used as an opportunity in the development of Children's Learning Center, among others:
1. The spirit can be used to forward momentum to make fundamental changes in all areas, including the development of Children's Learning Center;
2. Increased awareness of the parents, the community of the importance of education wider implications on the demands of the provision of services and human resource development activities are increasing the younger generation. This is an opportunity to improve the quality and service;
3. Globalization, globalization provides an opportunity to expand its network of regional cooperation, nationally and internationally, especially for education, development and mastery of information and communication technologies.
Challenge (threat)
In addition to the opportunities that are open, there are challenges to be faced in the development of Children's Learning Center, among others:
1. Lack of alignment of policy development activities to improve human resource development of the younger generation with the policy of traditional leaders and village;
2. Increase the ability of human resources. Improving the quality and quantity of human resources is one of the most strategic factor in the development and mastery of technology. In this case, simultaneously should be good human resource development is contained within its own YPKGM and traditional leaders and village officials and users (Enabled Worker);
Based on the SWOT analysis and institutional self-evaluation, there are several problems identified are:
1. The unavailability of adequate funding / adequate
2. Lack of Donors and Partners remain
3. Infrastructures owned inadequate
4. Business Unit developed the lack of capital and some less well targeted so as not been able to make a meaningful contribution
Based on the above identified problems, it can conclusion that the strategic steps to be taken are as follows:
1. Not enough have funding / adequate
When you look back at the history of this foundation (please click here) then it is not surprising that not sufficient funds available for the development of the Children's Learning Center.
Although aware that the funds are not sufficient to establish a Children's Learning Center until the final 100%, but the founder faced with a dilemma, where if this development is not done, it is certain that in the short time available funds will be depleted as a result of operating costs in the period certain time then the foundation will be insolvent due to lack of operational funds.
Therefore, although impressive push yourself, the establishment of the Children's Learning Center is not already left the initial assets to move forward.
Therefore, to overcome this problem, it was decided to sell the assets of the foundation's ownership to another party either personally, or institutions, by 40% so hopefully this waiver will be able to provide adequate cash injection for the future sustainability of the Foundation.
Besides waiver of 40% of this foundation not only Related with funding but also means giving rights to others to chip in thinking, creative ideas and policies that will provide fresh air for the future development of the foundation due to the presence of new ideas of engagement others it is predicted to be involved in creating innovations for the future development of the foundation.
2. Lack of Donors and Partners remain
The absence of donors and partners still influence the smoothness of the programs at the foundation, and for this takes effort and a tougher approach and better so as to convince third parties to be willing to become a sponsor and partner of this foundation.
Creative ideas and innovative programs participated determine our success in getting this fixed donors and partners.
3. Infrastructures owned inadequate
During this upgrade infrastructure and facilities at Children Learning Center always to be priority use of existing funds, and apparently based on the experience that has been done so far, this action is not appropriate, resulting in a source of funds from bank loans drained to result in a lack of investment capital to be played in an effort so that the result of a financial crisis as we are facing today.
Therefore, improvement of facilities and infrastructure will be done gradually and by using a separate fund of venture capital funds so that we will not return as the current financial difficulties.
4. Business Unit developed the lack of capital and some less well targeted so as not been able to make a meaningful contribution.
Business Unit developed so far are as follows:
a. Grocery Business Unit: The first attempt to contribute significantly, but less purchasing power and the emergence of similar businesses make an advanced small business turnover, and because we do not serve the demand of wholesale customers who owe the right to run other businesses. Conclusion: This effort should not be developed further, because capital gains are small with relatively large.
b. Business Unit Copy / ATK: initial efforts also make a meaningful contribution, but then appeared similar business that profits dwindling. Conclusion: This effort can be sustained because, although a small contribution, but the fixtures and fittings were no pity for the wasted even more capital required is not large and is also supporting existing ATK and library activities.
c. Business unit coffee Shop: This effort has been less attention to the less developed, new lately managed better and it gives a greater contribution. Conclusion: This business unit should be developed with a more serious especially considering this is a business that should be developed tourist area of more serious and even more (more will be discussed at the potential of the business will be developed).
d. Effort Photo Studio and photographer: this business handing out significant contribution, but due to lack of promotion of the service user is less. Conclusion: Need more vigorous promotion again and still need to be continued.
Based on the description of existing businesses mentioned above, the business photocopy, PhotoStudio should be protected given the already have the capital base to continue the business without the need to incur additional costs anymore, so although given the relatively small contribution but the operational cost is also relatively low, the contribution should be maintained.
From all of these efforts, the efforts coffee shop which has received less attention, it should be prioritized into a mainstay of business and further developed into a culinary tourism business and for this to be addressed specifically on another occasion.
Friday, 3 April 2015