Monday, 17 August 2015
Setelah dibuka pada tanggal 15 Agustus 2015 dimana di hadiri oleh beberapa teman yang datang dari Banda Aceh, Mirna Indriani dan keluarga, Muliana dan keluarga, Rohana dan keluarga yang ikut gembira dengan pengembangan usaha yang saya lakukan dan mereka menjadi kritikus kuliner juga sambil menikmati hidangan yang ada.
Maka pada hari kedua, hujan mengguyur Leupung dengan lebatnya, namun sebelum hujan sepasang pemuda mengawali (menjadi pelaris) pada Rumah Makan Putroe, dan yang menggembirakan mereka benar-benar menikmati hidangan yang ada, bahkan sampai tambah (sama seperti kawan-kawanku pada hari pembukaan yang mulanya malu-malu untuk tambah tapi nikmatnya masakan lebih kuat dari malu-malunya he he he...).
Lalu hujanpun turun dengan lebatnya, para pengendera motor yang terjebak hujanpun pada berteduh di Rumah Makan Putroe, awalnya hanya satu dua orang saja yang memasan makanan, namun ketika yang lain melihat betapa lahapnya mereka makan, maka tidak tunggu lama semua pada menyerbu makanan yang ada hingga kami semua pada kewalahan tapi tentu saja gembira sekali.
Hari ke tiga (hari ini 17 Agustus 2015) awalnya langsung dibuka dengan serangan rombongan anak muda dari medan yang mengendarai motor beramai-ramai, saat itu sebenarnya yang baru masak hanya telur asin dan kuah Plik 'U, namun begitu mereka berhenti maka masakan lain yang disiapkan juga telah masak, dan yang menjadi favorit mereka adalah :Kuah Lemak Eungkot Rambe Panggang (Kuah Lemak ikan Rambe Panggang) dan Udang teu Crah (Tumis Udang) sehingga Mentor mereka yang semula tidak mau makan apa-apa akhirnya ikut memesan juga (dibungkus mungkin malu karena sebelumnya ditawari ndak mau he he he) dan ludeslah kedua hidangan tersebut dalam sekejap mata.
Lalu disusul oleh rombongan hakim untuk MTQ di Nagan Raya, sehingga pada jam 10 pagi saja, kami harus memasak ulang untuk persediaan siang hari.
Aku bersyukur atas limpahan rezeki ini, semoga hari-hari berikutnya Allah akan lebih melapangkan rezeki kami di rumah makan Putroe, mungkinkah anda menjadi pengunjung berikutnya?
Silahkan reservations disini untuk mendapatkan menu istimewa kami.
Thursday, 13 August 2015
Rumah Makan Putroe telah dibuka
Rumah Makan Putroe sebagai social enterprice dari Pusat belajar Anak di Leupung - Aceh Besar akan mulai beroperasi pada tanggal 15 Agustus 2015 ini.
Sebagai sebuah usaha sosial maka diharapkan runah makan ini akan dapat menarik pengunjung yang banyak sehingga mampu memberikan kontribusinya untuk operasional Pusat Belajar Anak, baik untuk kegiatan Bimbel Gratis bagi anak miskin dan yatim, maupun untuk pelayanan perpustakaan secara gratis.
Dengan dibukanya usaha sosial Rumah Makan ini maka diharapkan para ddermawan akan lebih berminat untuk mensupport kegiatan sosial di Pusat Belajar Anak dengan menjadi member Rumah Makan Putroe ini, karena dengan menjadi member mereka dapat berdonasi dan sekaligus mendapatkan rewards menarik, yaitu discount hingga 100% - Fantastis bukan?
Untuk mengetahui caranya silahkan klik disini!
Thursday, 7 May 2015
Profiles 1.
It is 3 children who receive assistance School bags distributed at Free Tutoring Project Guide for Children Underprivileged / Orphans in Leupung.
The three children are orphans and siblings of 4 brothers, his mother is currently working to trade around selling accessories girls in the form of a hairpin, hair band and veil, oldest brother was sitting in class 2 high school, the young brother who looked at photo already sitting in class 1 SMP while her sister 3rd grade and 1st grade.
By selling accessories as mentioned above, his mother is very difficult to finance to 4 of his children, but his children smart thanks to a scholarship and their education is very helpful (they did not participate in the Free Free Tutoring project as it was already able to read and too clever in education in general).
Their chicken that had died a few years ago, a wealthy and arrogant businessman, and then exposed to the disease CANCER Blood (Leukemia) and was treated everywhere up overseas and had to do dialysis several times, but God says another illness does not heal until death call. Efforts treatment is made all their possessions drained, so that when death call he did not leave anything other than the house owned by, and for pride now his wife and children into public scorn surrounding environment.
But if mistakes parents should be borne by their children?
This has become our consideration, to include the children in the project Free Tutoring Internet, although only to receive assistance School Bags alone, because even though they receive the scholarship, we know for certain scholarships received mostly used for living expenses of their family.
Profile 2.
It is the child who appears in the photo with his mother who was holding a baby.
This boy claimed his school and his mother justify stupid, but in the tests we did on the first day and after 3 days following the guidance of learning, then the child is not a child looks stupid, it can be said intelligent, and after this initial study is the impact of the economic status single parents who bears as poor, so because he was naughty (and according to my children healthy all this naughty show intelligence) so he often did not get a positive response from the teacher.
His mother is a single parent, and the baby's is a child of the marriage recently, but unfortunately he left when I was pregnant so it increases again the burden to be borne as a woman who worked as laborers wash the family could afford.
Her marriage was impressed done in a hurry because it bears widow status and skin color plus black and poor makes it always underestimated and considered ugly (for black), this makes me sad, because why skin color discrimination is still very strong in Aceh which is actually a Muslims - in which Muslims should not distinguish the color of the skin - in which Muslims should not discriminate skin color - this is one tough challenge for me to remove that ugly black image that, if white is beautiful and effort I've done since before the tsunami but I have not managed to eliminate. So for fear no one wants to marry her again later that when there is asked he would immediately without looking at the background of the person.
This is the profile of children who participate in the free tutoring project and for those of you who want to help do not hesitate to contact me on 08116811823 or email
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
Project Tutoring is free for children less poor and orphans in Leupung - Aceh campaigned by Teuku Syafrizal of the foundation attracted the attention of many people, but only one, and two men who were moved to help in concrete action, it becomes the question "what is it? Why people do not help ?, the answer could be anything, but behind all that there is one thing that is questionable on ourselves, ie how much empathy (social sensitivity) that we have? because that is what will move us to help others.
Therefore, on this occasion I tried to discuss this with the hope of empathy can be a mirror for us to measure the level of empathy that we have so that we can determine what we should do to solve it.
Social sensitivity or empathy for each person can be different. Empathy usually grow out of childhood, following the pattern of parenting. People who are reluctant to share will grow into an individualistic and self-centered. While they are often excluded from childhood to understand the difficulties of others, it will usually be more sensitive and easily moved to help others.
Empathy, is doing something to others, using the way of thinking of the other person, that other people is fun, which according to others it was true. So, what do you some good, could have actually even bother others.
According Ubaydillah (2005) empathy is our ability to explore the feelings of others without having to drown in it. Empathy is our ability to listen to other people's feelings without having to dissolve.
Empathy is our ability to respond to the wishes of others unspoken. This ability is seen as the key to raising the intensity and depth of our relationships with others (connecting with). In addition Empathy is one of the keys to success in inter-personal relations with trying to understand a problem from the viewpoint or feelings of the other person. Through empathy, individuals will be able to develop a deep understanding of a problem. Understanding others will encourage sharing between individuals. Empathy is the key to leadership development within the individual.
The world economy is increasingly global and competitive market filled with tight tolerance and empathy make social lower. That's why social conflicts often occur in the community. One effort to prevent the spread and minimize the negative impact of globalization is to socialize empathy early on. The family is the smallest social structure that is able to fortify the social pathology that continues implicated in particular the people of Indonesia.
Instinctively children are developing empathy from infancy. Originally owned by a very simple empathy, the empathetic emotions. For example at the age of 0-1 years, the baby can cry just because they hear other babies cry, then at the age of 1-2 years, the child realizes that his friend is not a distress distress that must be borne alone. Nevertheless, a sense of empathy in children should be sharpened. When the left empathy gradually be eroded, though not entirely disappear, depending on the environment that shape it.
Many positive aspects when we teach children empathy. They will not be aggressive and love to help others. Besides empathy relate to concern for others, no wonder the social connotations such as empathy always contribute, to give something to people who are less able. Empathy means putting yourself seems to be like everyone else. Have a sense of empathy is a human necessity, because that is where lies the value of one's humanity. Therefore, each parent is obliged to duplicate empathy to their children.
one of the factors that make it difficult to perform empathy for the situation that needs help is the level of stress they experienced. If the condition of stress is very high, then naturally people tend to focus more on himself. This is what often happens to people in big cities today.
This stress can be caused by socio-economic demands, work, family, congestion conditions are getting worse, and the city lifestyle that requires people to always fast-paced and 'up to date' with all the latest information -although sometimes not necessary. Unfortunately, not everyone has a way to manage stress well.
The first thing that needs to be done to foster empathy is to give real-life examples in everyday life of small things. For example if there are relatives who are sick or are in trouble, we should see him and give support. Not necessarily in material form, but simply provide ear and a warm hug to calm her.
Similarly, our attitude towards the environment. When there is a neighbor who suffered, do not hesitate to reach out. Including also if we look at the elderly or people with disabilities who want to cross the street. All the examples of parents' behavior will be ingrained in the child and make him a caring and light hand to others. Of course we also importantly provide a reason why we are doing so.
The second and equally important is to add the ability to manage stress well. When a person's heart angry, sad, or disappointed, it would be difficult to feel the feelings of others. Because at the time was shrouded emotions, we tend to see other people with negative feelings as well. To that end, forget all those emotions in a positive way as a hobby that we love, meditation, or just playing with our pets at home. With a calm and peaceful heart, we can tend to see other people and world peace as well.
Saturday, 2 May 2015
The groundbreaking FREE LEARNING MENTORING PROJECT Poor children in Leupung - Aceh has been done by Mr. Zulkifli Said Gani as the first donor, and followed by the mother Diella Dachlan with assistance in the form of valuable information that can succeed this project.
The assistance you can provide not only in cash, but can also be in the form of school supplies, such as books and stationery, school uniforms, school bags, school shoes, even you can also help with suggestions and constructive criticism to the success of this project.
1. Rp. 50.000, - 1 child can be free to follow Bimbel for 1 month + Learning Materials
2. Rp. 100.000, - 1 child can be free to follow Bimbel for 2 months + Learning Materials
3. Rp. 150.000, - 1 child can be free to follow Bimbel for 3 months + Learning Materials
4. Rp. 200.000, - 1 child can be free to follow Bimbel for 3 months + Learning + Material Supplies.
5. Rp. 250.000, - 1 child can be free to follow Bimbel for 3 months + Learning Materials + School Supplies + Drink Healthy Snack Healthy and nutritious
6. Rp. 400.000, - 1 child can be free to follow Bimbel for 3 months + Learning Materials + School Supplies + Drink Healthy Snack Healthy and nutritious + School Bags
7. Rp. 500.000, - 1 child can be free to follow Bimbel for 3 months + Learning Materials + School Supplies + Drink Healthy Snack Healthy and nutritious + + Clothes School Bags New Uniform
8. Rp. 1.000.000, - 2 children can be free to follow Bimbel for 3 months + Learning Materials + School Supplies + Drink Healthy Snack Healthy and nutritious + + Clothes School Bags New Uniform
9. And so on according to ability, the following contributions can be given in the form of School Bags, Clothes Uniform, School Supplies, School Shoes and services, energy and thoughts as well as DOA.
This breakdown is illustrated as an overview for donors to get an idea of where the funds they provide will be used, meaning that if given by a certain amount will contribute to how the beneficiaries, of course, in practice we shall not be able to fully implement it depends on contributions made by all donors (eg there are donors who choose to point 8 amounted to one person, who chose totaling 3 point 7, the rest pick points 1, 2 and 3), then the use of funds forced equalized and adjusted to the overall fund.
But one thing is certain, that we will be honest and transparent in receipts and expenditure of funds, and the main priority of Free Tutoring for underprivileged children with a study period of at least 3 months and a maximum of 6 months for this first phase.
Funds can be transferred to the following account: Foundation for Development of Young Generation Event
Bank BNI Branch Banda Aceh
No. Rek. 0257888297
AN. Syafrizal T
Monday, 13 April 2015
UNDANGAN : Jadilah pembuat perubahan dengan menjadi Dewan Pembina Yayasan
Ayo ikut terlibat dalam gerakan sosial untuk membuat perubahan - membantu anak kurang mampu mendapatkan pendidikan gratis, kunjungi situs berikut
Saturday, 11 April 2015
Although in part 1 negativism I declare that we do not just boast the past but that does not mean we should forget the past Aceh both past and future into his glorious full of suffering, and departs from the past, that we will build the future of Aceh as a the nation's dignity and are able to stand in line with other ethnic groups in Indonesia and other nations in the world.
The Sultanate of Iskandar Muda
Sultan Iskandar Muda is the son of Princess King Indra Nation, descendants of the royal family of Darul Kamal and his father is Sultan Alauddin Mansur Shah who was the son of Sultan Abdul Jalil bin Sultan 'Alaiddin Ri'ayat Shah Al-Kahhar.
Great in the palace, when old enough Iskandar Muda sent his father to learn the Tengku In Bitai, one of the scholars of Baitul Mukadis pitch astronomy and physiognomy.
The young Alexander studied grammar from him. Furthermore Iskandar Muda father started receiving many famous scholars of Mecca and of Gujarat.
Among these are three very influential in the intellectual Iskandar Muda Abdul Khair Shaykh Ibn Hajar, Sekh Muhammad from Mecca and Sekh Jamani Djailani Muhammad bin Hasan Al-Raniry of Gujarat.
Consecrated on June 29, 1606, Sultan Iskandar Muda provide new order in the kingdom. He raised the traditional leaders of each tribe and prepared the country at the same time provide guidance qanun royal administration and the relationship between the king and the people.
During the 30 years of his reign (1606-1636 BC) of Sultan Iskandar Muda had brought the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam in glory. At that time, the kingdom has become the fifth largest Islamic empire in the world after the Islamic kingdom of Morocco, Isfahan, Persia and Agra.
The whole area of the Malay peninsula had been united under the kingdom and the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam economy has had good diplomatic relations trade internationally.
The people of Aceh were experiencing prosperity with arrangements that cover all aspects of life, which is made by Iskandar Muda.
In the works of foreign authors about the history of Aceh and Indonesia stated that the Sultan Iskandar Muda is the greatest sultan and famous in a series of names of the sultans who ruled in the Sultanate of Aceh. Under the reign of the sultan, the Sultanate of Aceh can reach its peak in the fields of law, politics, military, economy, religion, education, culture, and so on.
In Bustanus Salatin Nuruddin ar-Raniri works mentioned that the Sultan Iskandar Muda very keen to develop Islam in the Sultanate of Aceh. In each area ordered establish a mosque as a place of Worship. Furthermore, Bustanus Salatin also shows that the sultan was a pious and devout Muslim. He always recommend to people that embrace and implement the teachings of Islam in earnest and perfect.
Various regulations were issued to prevent the breaking of religious teachings, such as those prohibiting gambling and drinking. Additionally, Iskandar Muda also referred to as the sultan was very generous. Whenever go Friday prayers, he did not forget to bring a variety of gifts and alms to be given to the poor. In addition, Sultan Iskandar Muda also managed to make provisions on the procedure applicable in the Kingdom of Aceh and on the use of so-called royal seal stamp siekureueng or cab lightning. Set of provisions was then called by the name Indigenous Meukuta Alam.
Thus, the Acehnese culture is an aspect of civilization that is not identical in understanding the culture at large, because the segments are also cultural integrity of the building comes from the values of religion or law that animates the cultural creations. Islamic Spirit had been animating and turn the Acehnese culture that gave birth to philosophical values that eventually became the patron ideal cultural foundation in the form of narit maja, "Adat Bak Po Teumeureuhom, Hukom Bak Syiah Kuala, Qanun Bak Putroe Phang, Reusam Bak Lakseumana". Po Teumeureuhom, symbol of power. GITEC Shari'a law or religious symbol of scholars. Qanun, legislation appreciating the religion and customs. Reusam an order protokuler or ceremonial customs of experts or indigenous stakeholders. The development of the values of the order of reference to the source principle, namely "hukum adat Ngon Ngon lagee substance Sifeut"
An event that is touching and moving every soul, when the Sultan Iskandar Muda execute his own death (Meurah Pupok) according to the court verdict. All the princes of the kingdom at that time was silent because he dared not disobey the sovereign decision. Justice minister who holds the Sri Raja Commander Vizier tried to persuade, but the sultan remained in his decision. Sultan himself firmly said that if no one wants to do this punishment then he himself would do. Sultan Iskandar Muda said, "I will apply the law to the Crown Prince were severely. With my own hands will kupenggal neck my son because he has violated the laws and customs of this country. "From this incident appeared famous phrase: aneuk mate mupat jeurat, custom gadoh pat Tamita ('dead children is obviously grave, lost custom (law) to which was about to be sought' ), meaning that the law enforcing fair indiscriminate felling.
Behavior Fair
As the Muslim community, the Acehnese always associate justice with the teachings of Islam which they believe. According to Islam, justice or behave and act justly, how far a person is able to apply all the values and norms that exist in the teachings of revelation or consistency someone with the value of revelation in their everyday lives. Revelation is a source of absolute truth, justice is defined in it is justice in truth. Therefore, the concept of justice which is run by the sultan of Aceh is not independent of the influence of religious values that encourage people to do justice. To that end, the expression in Acehnese society, ade king worshiped the king, the king of kings Lalem refuted ('king of kings worshiped unfair, unjust king king denied').
Subject justice a coveted by mankind throughout the ages. Justice is everyone's demands. Justice is also the basis for harmonious social relationships. Therefore, justice becomes a central theme of any social change.
In the development of society, justice is not an end, but the fairness guarantee that the goal will be easily achieved. The ultimate goal can only be achieved through justice is the people's welfare. Without justice, welfare is only enjoyed by a group of people. To that end, the sultans who ruled in Aceh fair engrave words on the currency of issuance as a "reminder" for every person should always do justice to themselves and others. Moreover, a king of the people they lead.
Except from the Koran, can not be traced from the book where the sultans of the sultanate of Aceh took the phrase as-Sultan al-fair for inclusion in the eyes of the money they spend. However, it can be presumed that the sultan of Aceh based it on the Qur'an Surah An-Nahl: 90 which translates as follows: "Allah sent justly, and do good, giving to kinsfolk, and God forbid from evil, badness, and iniquity. He gave a lesson to you so that you may understand ". The verse like that based on the evidence contained in the book of quotations Taj-al-Salatinatau Taju-as-Salatin, which is the book of Kings Crown authored by Bukhari al Jauhari. The book contains guidelines for controlling the rule of Islamic teachings spread Islamic kingdoms in Southeast Asia. Most verses quoted from chapter to-6 Taju-as-Salatin, namely Innallaha yakmurukum bil Adli wal Ihsan ('Allah ordered to be fair and do good').
Sultan who ruled in Aceh realize that the position is the mandate that should be used for the benefit of the people, including through fair behavior. The sultan who ruled in Aceh in the past so sensitive to the justice, lest they injustice, people kill each other and deprivation of the rights of others illegally. It was as exemplified by the Sultan Iskandar Muda who had condemned his own because they have made a mistake. Therefore, when listening to the word fair, the Acehnese are always remembered and missed his past, a past that he never drove people to the height of glory in all fields, especially in upholding justice and the rule of law in earnest, during the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636).
8 (Eight) testament Sultan Iskandar Muda
First, let everyone without exception so always remember to God and fulfill His promise. The first Taushiah not only cater to the people alone, but also apply to all viziers, commanders, royal servants, even for the royal family. Through this testament has encouraged the growth of religious Girah and symbols of Islam in all regions of the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam.
Second, do not insult the king of Islamic religious scholars and intellectuals. The second message is primarily addressed to the king (yourself) before addressed to the people. It contains philosophy, that every leader (kingdom) not only good at giving orders, instructions to others, while for yourself ignored. This message is also reflected so well the relationship umara (king) with scholars and in the future. Cleric appointed as mufti kingdom. This is not apart from the message of the Prophet, "There are two classes of people, when the two groups were well then it will let all men. And if both are not good it will be devastated human life, it is the two groups of scholars and umara ".
Third, King of fast do believe if there is information or news was delivered to him. This testament is no cues correlated with the Qur'an (al-Hujarat: 6), so any news or information that is not yet clear, so that the truth investigation. The purpose so as not to cause a scandal among others.
Fourth, King let strengthen defense and security. The fourth testament is important, because with strong national defense, making it an authoritative state. Defense and security of the country is not only addressed to soldiers trained but also called upon the people to help each nation, religion and the homeland of all forms of threats coming from both inside and outside.
Fifth, the King shall populist, and often go down to the village to see the state of its people. This message was very sympathetic and as that is the soul of a caliph, not just sit and dwell in the palace with all the pleasures and luxuries, but all it actually used for the benefit of its people. King, not only experts hear the whispers of the vizier and hulubalangnya, the king not only good at receiving and reading the report of the messenger, but the king of the fair, wise and prudent and trustworthy witness firsthand what was going on and experienced by its inhabitants. The nature of such a habit of Caliph Umar when he was the Caliph. King greatly appreciate the achievements that have been made by the people, the good are rewarded, while those not well be sanctioned form of reprimand and warning.
Sixth, the King in his duties to implement the law of God. All provisions of God that must be executed contained in the Qanun al-Asyi. About the sources of law in the Qanun al-Asyi, emphatically stated, that the sources of the law of the Kingdom of Aceh, namely the Qur'an, al-Hadith Nabawi, ijma scholars, and qiyas, customary law, qanun and reusam.
Islamization of all aspects of Acehnese life symbolized by a hadih maja is philosophy of life, politics and the law for the people and the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam. It reads: "Adat bak Poteumeureuhom, hukom bak Syiah Kuala, qanun bak Putroe Phang, reusam bak Laksamana, hukom ngon adat lagee zat ngon sifeut". Listening to these expressions, obviously so kukuhnya pillar of Islam which is based on Islamic law in all regions of the Kingdom kaffah Aceh Darussalam. There is even a history that says Sultan Iskandar Muda, never punish her son for committing obscene acts with a woman who is not his wife.
Seventh, King banned from dealing with bad guys. This message is understood that everyone is obliged to uphold enjoining the good and eradicate all forms of badness. Kingdom does not provide the opportunity for anyone to undertake any form of disobedience that led to kefasidan. However, with regard to the religious symbols of royal provide full support to run.
Eighth, King shall keep and maintain the property and safety of people and prohibited act wrongdoers. This message is intended for the king to act fairly in all aspects, and does not apply to discrimination in law enforcement. People's rights safeguarded, and did not burden the people in things that are not capable of doing.
The conclusion that can be drawn from the Sultan Iskandar Muda is justice that applies to everyone, not just for small communities and are we imitate this? This is something we question, because the current government of Aceh in the hands of the people of Aceh who have struggled so ever for Aceh, but it seems justice is not their priority, we hear a lot of dissatisfaction that appear even fellow fighters themselves, such as when one of the characters slapped by his comrades in arms, and so forth, should when we are in the first fight so exalt and wants a return to the glory days of Iskandar Muda then we will not forget the concept of justice applied by Iskandar Muda so that the justice he was willing to lynch her own.
Therefore, it is nonsense if we want to build Aceh but do not apply the concept of justice in our government, because about justice a coveted by mankind throughout the ages. Justice is everyone's demands. Justice is also the basis for harmonious social relationships. Therefore, justice becomes a central theme of any social change.
Likewise, Have we apply to 8 testament Sultan Iskandar Muda? If we really want to restore the glory days when he led, it also means that we must have the courage to follow the noble values that exist in his tenure, always remember the phrase in Acehnese society, raja ade raja disembah, raja lalem raja disanggah ('king of fair worshiped the king, the king despotic king denied ').
Do not let injustice continues in the midst of the people of Aceh today, and if this continues then wait when you will be refuted by the people of Aceh.
Monday, 6 April 2015
The main advantage Activity Youths Development Foundation (YPKGM) is in the coaching program activities of the younger generation, especially in the field of psychosocial, construction area of dance and drama, as well as life skills training and community development programs in general.
YPKGM has experienced since 1994 and started walking on the professional stage by putting the main base while working with a variety of post-tsunami International NGO 2004 to mid-2009 for coaching youth programs, namely library development, life skills training, as well as psychosocial activities such as bibliotherapi program, and fostering cultural arts such as dance, drama, music, performing arts, music festivals, film etc.
Changes due to globalization
Globalization is affecting the lives of nations and countries in the world not only a challenge, but also at the same time an opportunity. The challenge is that the more extensive phenomenon resulting political boundaries, among the nation's economy becomes vague and relations between nations become so transparent. Globalization has a broad implementation of the livelihood and life of the nation.
Viewed from the perspective of nationalism, globalization raises the awareness that we are citizens of a global society and benefit from it, but on the other hand, is growing also preserve the impetus to grow and strengthen national identity.
As a result of economic globalization effect on, among others, in the form of the growing transnational corporations that operate without knowing the boundaries of the state. When economic globalization occurs, state boundaries will be blurred and the relationship between the national economy with the international economy will be more closely. Globalization of the economy on the one hand will bring the product from the market opportunities in the country to be competitive international market, the reverse is also opens the opportunity for global products into the domestic market. It is obvious that the national economy has become part of a global economy marked by the power of the world market. Therefore we as citizens should be able to compete with the other countries that we are not excluded by the intense competition in this era of globalization.
Here, the role YPKGM to help people, especially the younger generation to have a high human resources and able to face the challenges of the times without forgetting its identity as a nation Indonesia, the people of Aceh with dignity.
YPKGM current conditions:
1) Value Plus: - It has been experienced for over 21 years (since 1994) and have a good experience in cooperation with the National and International NGOs.
- It has its own building
1. Main Building size of 8.5 x 12 m (2 floors)
2. Building 2 size 9 x 12 m (first floor)
- Has 15 Kids Library / Reading Garden Gampong built in 15 Villages in 6 districts of the city.
- Has had the legality of the Decree of the Minister of National Human Rights and the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Value Minus: - Not Having its own funding sources
- Do not have a permanent job Partners
MAIN BUILDING (8.5 x 12 m - 2 floors) consists of:
1) Training Room size 4.5 x 8 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- Floor not ceramic (ceramic already there yet installed)
- Has had its own toilet
- Has had the power grid
2) Space Director of size 4 x 4 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- It has been available desks and chairs leadership
- Has had its own filing cabinet
- Has had a filing cabinet
- Has had Typewriter Electric
- Has Had 1 unit of Computer and Printer
Value Minus: - Tables and Chairs damaged Staff
- Do not have a sofa for guests
- The room is rather hot because the air conditioner is not installed
- Floor yet ceramic
3) Discussion Room size 4 x 8 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
Value Minus: - Chairs and tables do not exist
- Floor yet dikeramik
- Bulkhead room yet installed
4) Commercial Space (Hall) size of 8.5 x 12 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- Floor already ceramic
- Has had its own toilet
- Has had the power grid
- Has had sufficient Desk Chair
- Has had enough Estalase and Shelves
Value Minus: - There is no space kitchen Sets and special
- There is no ceiling
BUILDING 2 (9 x 12 m - 1 floor) consisting of:
1) Library Children's Room size 4 x 8 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- Has ceramic
- It has its own toilet
- It has been available Grid
- Collection of books pretty much ± 10,000 titles and 12,000 copies
Value Minus: - No computer with a special program for
the library
- Table Read / reading chair no
- The room is rather hot because the air conditioner is not installed
2) Computer Lab Room 3.5 x 4.5 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- It has been available Grid
Value Minus: - The roof is temporary
- Not ceramic
- No computer
- The room is rather hot because the air conditioner is not installed
3) Space Counseling / Health sizes 3x3 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- It has been available Grid
Value Minus: - temporary roof
- None, no facilities whatsoever
- Not plastered
4) The room staff size 4 x 4 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- Has ceramic
- It has been available Grid
Value Minus: - There are no facilities whatsoever
- The room is rather hot because the air conditioner is not installed
5) Audio Visual Room size 4.5 x 5 m
Value Plus: - Permanent Space
- It has been available Grid
Value Minus: - There are no facilities whatsoever
- The roof while
- Tables / chairs no
- The room is rather hot because the air conditioner is not installed
To support the development of Children's Learning Center, YPKGM already have factors that can be considered as a power (strenght), among others:
1. Having a skilled and experienced workforce;
2. Have available the basic infrastructure, in the form of a permanent building.
Weakness (Weakness)
But in addition to the strength of the above, there are factors that can be considered as a weakness (Weakness), among others:
1. Support infrastructure and development activities of Children's Learning Center is still weak, due to lack of financing;
2. Lack of human resources professionals in the field of information and communication technology developers;
Some important aspects that can be used as an opportunity in the development of Children's Learning Center, among others:
1. The spirit can be used to forward momentum to make fundamental changes in all areas, including the development of Children's Learning Center;
2. Increased awareness of the parents, the community of the importance of education wider implications on the demands of the provision of services and human resource development activities are increasing the younger generation. This is an opportunity to improve the quality and service;
3. Globalization, globalization provides an opportunity to expand its network of regional cooperation, nationally and internationally, especially for education, development and mastery of information and communication technologies.
Challenge (threat)
In addition to the opportunities that are open, there are challenges to be faced in the development of Children's Learning Center, among others:
1. Lack of alignment of policy development activities to improve human resource development of the younger generation with the policy of traditional leaders and village;
2. Increase the ability of human resources. Improving the quality and quantity of human resources is one of the most strategic factor in the development and mastery of technology. In this case, simultaneously should be good human resource development is contained within its own YPKGM and traditional leaders and village officials and users (Enabled Worker);
Based on the SWOT analysis and institutional self-evaluation, there are several problems identified are:
1. The unavailability of adequate funding / adequate
2. Lack of Donors and Partners remain
3. Infrastructures owned inadequate
4. Business Unit developed the lack of capital and some less well targeted so as not been able to make a meaningful contribution
Based on the above identified problems, it can conclusion that the strategic steps to be taken are as follows:
1. Not enough have funding / adequate
When you look back at the history of this foundation (please click here) then it is not surprising that not sufficient funds available for the development of the Children's Learning Center.
Although aware that the funds are not sufficient to establish a Children's Learning Center until the final 100%, but the founder faced with a dilemma, where if this development is not done, it is certain that in the short time available funds will be depleted as a result of operating costs in the period certain time then the foundation will be insolvent due to lack of operational funds.
Therefore, although impressive push yourself, the establishment of the Children's Learning Center is not already left the initial assets to move forward.
Therefore, to overcome this problem, it was decided to sell the assets of the foundation's ownership to another party either personally, or institutions, by 40% so hopefully this waiver will be able to provide adequate cash injection for the future sustainability of the Foundation.
Besides waiver of 40% of this foundation not only Related with funding but also means giving rights to others to chip in thinking, creative ideas and policies that will provide fresh air for the future development of the foundation due to the presence of new ideas of engagement others it is predicted to be involved in creating innovations for the future development of the foundation.
2. Lack of Donors and Partners remain
The absence of donors and partners still influence the smoothness of the programs at the foundation, and for this takes effort and a tougher approach and better so as to convince third parties to be willing to become a sponsor and partner of this foundation.
Creative ideas and innovative programs participated determine our success in getting this fixed donors and partners.
3. Infrastructures owned inadequate
During this upgrade infrastructure and facilities at Children Learning Center always to be priority use of existing funds, and apparently based on the experience that has been done so far, this action is not appropriate, resulting in a source of funds from bank loans drained to result in a lack of investment capital to be played in an effort so that the result of a financial crisis as we are facing today.
Therefore, improvement of facilities and infrastructure will be done gradually and by using a separate fund of venture capital funds so that we will not return as the current financial difficulties.
4. Business Unit developed the lack of capital and some less well targeted so as not been able to make a meaningful contribution.
Business Unit developed so far are as follows:
a. Grocery Business Unit: The first attempt to contribute significantly, but less purchasing power and the emergence of similar businesses make an advanced small business turnover, and because we do not serve the demand of wholesale customers who owe the right to run other businesses. Conclusion: This effort should not be developed further, because capital gains are small with relatively large.
b. Business Unit Copy / ATK: initial efforts also make a meaningful contribution, but then appeared similar business that profits dwindling. Conclusion: This effort can be sustained because, although a small contribution, but the fixtures and fittings were no pity for the wasted even more capital required is not large and is also supporting existing ATK and library activities.
c. Business unit coffee Shop: This effort has been less attention to the less developed, new lately managed better and it gives a greater contribution. Conclusion: This business unit should be developed with a more serious especially considering this is a business that should be developed tourist area of more serious and even more (more will be discussed at the potential of the business will be developed).
d. Effort Photo Studio and photographer: this business handing out significant contribution, but due to lack of promotion of the service user is less. Conclusion: Need more vigorous promotion again and still need to be continued.
Based on the description of existing businesses mentioned above, the business photocopy, PhotoStudio should be protected given the already have the capital base to continue the business without the need to incur additional costs anymore, so although given the relatively small contribution but the operational cost is also relatively low, the contribution should be maintained.
From all of these efforts, the efforts coffee shop which has received less attention, it should be prioritized into a mainstay of business and further developed into a culinary tourism business and for this to be addressed specifically on another occasion.
Friday, 3 April 2015
For those who are interested to support the Foundation at Children's Learning Center in Leupung, might want to know the condition of the foundation of wealth in greater detail so that an accurate overview of the foundation and can determine how they will support this foundation.
Here I attach a link that can be downloaded to get the file list price of the foundation of wealth. (click Here)
Can I explain here that these assets do not include assets of the foundation in its branches in the region, such as in Sabang (Iboih), Pidie, Pidie Jaya which has had a permanent building and land endowments / grant given society.
Price building 1 size 8.5 x 12 m (2 floors) reached Rp. 900 million because the building is prepared to 3 floors so that from the beginning of its foundation has created a model that supports the chicken claw 3-storey building, as well as slippers hanging on the 2nd floor has also been prepared to accommodate the 3rd floor so that the time for the development of the 3rd floor will require an overhaul again
While the second building was originally the size of 4 x 8 m which is the BRR for building the library, and then fit the needs of the building was expanded again to be 12 x 9 m.
For land already has SHM but still proprietary Teuku Syafrizal because this is his inheritance only so to waive the cost of replacement is necessary because if not then teuku Syafrizal will not have the slightest ground for the whole of his work during this life has been submitted to the foundation ,
Likewise, the construction of buildings 1 and 2, into using his funds (Juliani), namely marriage and dowry money from selling the land in the village pond, so if it is not returned then automatically they do not have any property to be passed on to their grandchildren.
But of course this is not something that should be done but it is important to know that someday your involvement in the Foundation either as a participant or as a supervisor or supervisors, when the availability of funds has allowed it would not arise misperceptions if later performed the transfer of such rights.
Sunday, 29 March 2015
Confidence is a human capital base to meet the various needs of its own. Someone have a need for freedom of thought and feeling that someone who has the freedom of thought and feeling will grow into a man with confidence.
One of the first and foremost step in building confidence to understand and believe that every human being has its advantages and disadvantages of each. The benefits inherent in a person must be developed and utilized in order to be productive and useful for others (Judge, 2002).
Self-confidence (confidence) is the basis of self-motivation to succeed. To be motivated someone to be confident. Someone who get peace and confidence must be willing and motivated him. Many people who experience a shortage but rise above shortcomings that really beat the misfortune to have the confidence and motivation to continue to grow and transform the problem into a challenge.
Confidence (Self Confidence) is convincing in ability and judgment (judgment) ourselves in doing the task and choose effective approach. This includes confidence in the ability to face the increasingly challenging environment and confidence in the decision or opinion. While confidence is a induvidu positive attitude that enables him to develop a positive assessment both to themselves and to the environment or situation. This does not mean that induvidu capable and competent to do everything alone. High confidence actually only refers to the presence of some aspects of life induvidu terseburt which he feels has the competence, confident, capable and believes that he can because it is supported by the experience, the actual potential, achievements and realistic expectations of yourself.
According Thursan Judge (2002) confidence not just show up in a person there are certain processes in private so there was the formation of self-confidence.
The formation of a strong sense of confidence that occurs through the process:
a) Establishment of a good personality fit with the process that spawned the development of certain excess surplus.
b) Understanding someone to excess surplus assets and give birth to a strong conviction to be able to do everything with the use of excess surplus.
c) a person's understanding and positive reaction to the weakness of its weaknesses so as not to cause low self-esteem or sense of difficult to adjust.
d) Experience in live the various aspects of life by using all the advantages that exist in him.
Self-confidence can be affected by several factors that can be classified into two, namely the internal factors and external factors:
a) Internal factors, including:
1. The concept of self. The formation keperayaan yourself in someone begins with the development of self-concept obtained in the association of a group. According centi (1995), self-concept is the idea of himself. Someone who has low self-esteem usually have a negative self-concept, otherwise people who have self-confidence will have a positive self-concept.
2. Self-esteem. Meadow (in Kusuma, 2005) Self-esteem is the assessment carried out for yourself. People who have high self-esteem will personally assess rationally and correctly for himself and easy to make contact with another individual. People who have high self-esteem tend to see themselves as individuals who believe that their business succeed easily accept others as they accept themselves. But people who mempuyai low self esteem is dependent, less confident and usually hit the social difficulties and pessimistic in the association.
3. The physical condition. Changes in physical condition also affects the self-confidence. Anthony (1992) said that physical appearance is a major cause of low self-esteem and self-confident person. Lauster (1997) also found physical disability can lead to low self-esteem that is obvious.
4. The experience of life. Lauster (1997) says that the confidence gained from a disappointing experience is most often the source of the emergence of a sense of inferiority. More over if basically someone has a sense of insecurity, lack of affection and less attention.
b) External factors include:
1. Education. Education affects a person's self confidence. Anthony (1992) further revealed that low levels of education tend to make people feel under the authority of a more intelligent, otherwise better educated individuals tend to be self-sufficient and do not need to rely on other individuals. Individuals will be able to meet the needs of life with confidence and strength with regard to the situation from the point of reality.
2. Work. Rogers (in Kusuma, 2005) suggests that the work can develop creativity and self-reliance and self-confidence. Further stated that confidence can appear to do the job, in addition to the material obtained. Satisfaction and pride in the can being able to develop the ability.
3. Environment and life experience. Environment here is a family and community environment. Received good support from family environments as kelurga members interacting with the well will give a sense of comfort and confidence is high. So also with society increasingly able to meet the norms and accepted by the society, the more smoothly the developing self esteem (centi, 1995).
While the formation of self-confidence also comes from personal experience that a person experiences in the course of his life. Psychological need fulfillment is an experience that a person experiences during a bad trip on childhood childhood will cause less confident individuals (Drajat, 1995).
However, in terms of self-confidence as a nation, a society, the younger generation should have the Aceh besides what has been described above, also must have a clear knowledge of Aceh, a strong and steady conviction about the advantages and disadvantages as well as Aceh potential to be developed as a dignified nation and able to stand in line with other ethnic groups in Indonesia.
Therefore, the starting point of this, the past Aceh start of the Empire, the Dutch colonial war period, period Struggle for Independence also formed the basis for foster kebangkan good self confidence, of course with not only pay attention or boast advantages alone but also the weaknesses and errors that occurred at that time as a study in order to be a lesson that will not happen again, or it can be a study to further improve, fix past mistakes in order to be a commendable act in the present and future.
Saturday, 28 March 2015
Quite a lot of writing about the people of Aceh and written by someone, either by Acehnese, and foreigners, especially the Netherlands who has written in the context of the Aceh war on the Dutch colonial era.
But we have yet to find an article that limit themselves to the achievement or development resources in the development of Acehnese society as a whole, not just focus on excessive pride themselves on how heroic heroes during the war Aceh Aceh Dutch colonial days, or the pride of Aceh's capital Indonesian independence struggle, but we will talk about the meaning that should be learned from the history of the war that is most terrible.
When talking about the people of Aceh and Aceh today, then we will hear a variety of concerns, deep pain in the sigh of the Acehnese itself when lifting to talk about himself, his community, Aceh as a whole.
It is not easy to escape from the environment negativism on the way towards the development of the people of Aceh were able to uphold the image of Aceh as a nation that had triumphed, and to achieve the glory that then all doubts will be cut off from the great ideals.
It is very necessary for self-confidence which is a source of energy that must be embedded as a giant in the life of our young generation, that history not only as memories of the past are enough to proud, but the great thing is the motor that they must use to struggling with constructive measures for the benefit of the overall development of Aceh.
With excessive pride and negativism just not possible turn the creative minds and encourage the movement of all of the construction that will extend the life sector, while the period that has passed the discovery of many people who set a good wisdom always has the wrong stepped, thus was born the future the ups and downs that we are living now.
Negativism so long been embedded in our souls the people of Aceh, "Aceh Pungo" designation are very insulting to me, but often we say themselves to scare people not to mess with people of Aceh, is one that I remember as a teenager once, so when we went to Jakarta or other cities outside of Aceh, whether it be long or a short is not much difference, then when you return to Aceh, the "oak leumo hana turi le" so called, because they have forgotten the language of Aceh. This makes the Acehnese people like lagging in development after a long struggle and terrible path.
Speaking today, the conditions are also getting worse, many children of Aceh, Aceh's father and mother, but because they live in the city of Banda Aceh, then they are not proud to speak Aceh, Aceh they could not speak, and ironically also proud of his parents' ignorance "is, how not called" Stupid ", the language is a branch of science that is recognized worldwide, even though the language of Aceh, Aceh language is one of the wealth of the world's languages.
With negativism is so thick and confidence is so low, how we will begin construction of Aceh as a whole, the development of which would improve the image of the people of Aceh in the middle kacah national development, and how we will face the globalization of the world which has arrived?
"WAKE UP", do not continue to dream and continue to boast of in the past that will not go back again, WAKE UP !!!!
Thursday, 19 March 2015
A Mind at a Time : Menemukan Bakat Istimewa Anak
Pikiran, adalah bentuk materi yang bersifat misterius yang dikeluarkan oleh otak. Aktivitas utama pikiran ini adalah berusaha keras mengetahui ciri-cirinya sendiri, kegagalan atas upaya ini desebabkan oleh fakta bahwa pikiran tidak memiliki apa-apa selain dirinya sendiri, dalam mencari tahu dirinya sendiri (AMBROSE BIERCE, The Devil's Dictionary)
Waktu adalah dimana ada kesempatan, dan kesempatan adalah dimana tak ada banyak waktu.....Kesembuhan bergantung pada waktu, tetapi juga pada kesempatan. (HIPPROCRATES Epidemics)
Demikian kata-kata paragraf pertama dan kedua pada Pengantar buku dengan judul sebagaimana diatas, nah saya tidak akan menyalin semua apa yang terdapat dibuku tersebut (bisa-bisa saya dituntut melanggar HAKI) walaupun sebenarnya ini sangat layak bahkan penting untuk disebar luaskan dalam upaya memahami anak bahwa mereka SEMUA ISTIMEWA dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangannya, dan mereka layak diperlakukan ISTIMEWA dan jangan buat perbedaan yang ada pada mereka menjadi ALASAN bagi anda untuk menghancurkan rasa PERCAYA DIRI ANAK.
Jadi sadarilah bahwa planet bumi ini dihuni oleh berbagai jenis manusia dengan berbagai macam pikiran. Otak manusia itu unit. Sebagian manusia mempunyai otak yang mampu menciptakan simfoni dan soneta, sementara yang lain lebih cocok membangun kembatan, jalan raya dan komputer, mendesai pesawat terbang dan sistem jalan, mengendarai truk dan taksi, atau mencari penyebuhkan bagi kanker payudara dan hipertensi.
Pertumbuhan masyarakat dan Kemajuan dunia bergantung pada komitmen kita dalam membantu ANAK_ANAK KITA hidup dengan pikiran yang berbeda-beda dan saling menghargai perbedaan tersebut. Orangtua memiliki tanggungjawab dan kebahagiaan tersendiri ketika mereka mengenali perbedaan masing-masing cara berpikir anak serta bagaimana menumbuhkannya. Hal tragis bisa terjadi jika kita salah memahami dan barangkali salah mengarahkan cara berpikir anak. Dan ini sering terjadi.
Anak-anak yang tak mampu mengoperasikan pikiran mereka sesuai yang diharapkan merasa sangat tidak nyaman, sementara orangtua merekapun tidak bisa tidur memikirkan anak yang sulit memahami bacaan yang dibacanya atau sulit bergaul ataupun tidak bisa berkosentrasi disekolah. Guru merasa sangt kesal dan kadang merasa tak becus melihat kemunduran murid tanpa mengerti penyebabnya.
Seringkali anak harus membayar mahal karena cara berpikir yang mereka bawa sejak lahir tersebut. Bukan salah mereka jika punya otak yang tidak bisa menangkap perintah dengan cepat, mengeja dengan tepat, menulis dengan baik, membaca dengan cepat, bekerja dengan efesien atau mengingat perkalian secara otomatis, mereka akan mendapat predikat ADD (attention deficit disorder) atau LD (Learning disability), sehingga kadangkala mereka harus menelan obat-obatan untuk menenangkan pikiran mereka belum lagi siksaan ejekan teman-teman sekelasnya, dan julukan-julukan atau panggilan-panggilan yang menhina "sitolol". "goblok" dll. Identitas intelektual mereka hanya dilihat dari nilai ulangan yang akan menentukan nasib mereka namun diragukan sepenuhnya bermanfaat dan membantu mereka dalam menghadapi kehidupan nyata.
Kita tidak bisa berdiam diri sementara rasa percaya diri anak-anak seperti itu terpukul, terpuruk dalam kenistaan yang BUKAN SALAH MEREKA. Sebagian besar dari mereka disalah artikan, disepelekan, mendapat perlakuan yang salah, tau mendapat tuduhan yang tidak benar dari orang dewasa.
"Saya tidak bisa melakukan apapun dengan baik, Ibu dan guru saya selalu berteriak-teriak pada saya, Rasanya saya ini anak yang paling Tolol di kelas, Mungkin saya dilahirkan demikian" demikian salah satu pernyataan anak yang patut kita cemaskan, karena tidak seorangpun boleh merasa seperti itu.
Dan hal ini sangat umum terjadi, bahkan dalam kasus tertentu, anak-anak yang cerdaspun namun berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu kadangkala juga mendapat perlakuan seperti tersebut diatas, saya sangat ingat satu kasus dimana seorang anak dari kampung, karena oleh orang tuanya dianggap pintar dan bijak disekolahkan di kota pada sekolah favorit, karena masih kecil neneknya mendampingi, dan disinilah pelecehan dan penghancuran rasa percaya diri anak dimulai, anak tersebut setiap ada pertanyaan guru, selalu menjadi yang pertama mengacungkan tangan untuk menjawab, tapi gurunya selalu mengabaikannya dan memilih anak lain untuk menjawab, ini selalu terjadi sehingga tidak disangsikan lagi ada unsur kesengajaan mengabaikan anak tersebut, kalau dikatakan gurunya tidak melihat, maka anak tersebut duduk didepan, dan saat mengcungkan tangan dengan semangat ia maju kedepan, bahkan kadangkala hanya ia yang mengacungkan tangan, tapi tidak pernah mendapat kesempatan" Hal ini terungkap ketika saya mengunjungi keluarga tersebut dikampung setelah sekian lama tidak berkunjung, ketika saya memanggilnya maka saya menemukan anak yang kuper (kurang percaya diri) berbeda 100% dengan anak yang saya temukan 6 bulan sebelumnya - Masya Allah sangat metedihkan.
Kasus lain saya temukan diawal tahun 2014 saat orang tua seorang anak kebetulan berkunjung dengan anaknya ke Children Learning Center, maka seperti biasa saya menawari anak tersebut untuk membaca buku yang ada diperpustakaan, anak itu hanya menunduk malu dan ibunya berkata lantang "Alah anak ini bodoh sekali, sudah besar belum bisa membaca, entah ikut siapa" saya mengurut dada dan berkata "Sudah bawa dia setiap sore kemari biar saya ajarkan membaca" dan ini diturti oleh ibu tersebut, Alhamdulillah dalam waktu 1 bulan maka ia sudah lancar membaca dan menulis, saya hanya bereksperiment selama satu minggu untuk menemukan metode yang tepat untuk anak tersebut. Dan yang lebih menggembirakan saat ulangan sekolah ia yang sebelumnya tidak pernah mendapat rangking, bisa mendapat Rangking 3, dan dengan keluguan seorang anak ia berkata "Bagaimana ibu guru ini, saya sudah pintar kok dikasi rangking sedikit" he he he baginya rangking angka 3 dinilai sama dengan nilai uang makin besar makin baik.
Lalu pada kasus lain, saya menemukan anak yang benar-benar sulit, ia tetap tidak mampu menyimpan sedikitpun materi hari kemarin sehingga tidak mengalami kemajuan apa-apa, saat belajar pikirannya tidak disana, tidak bisa berkonsentrasi pada apa yang diajarkan, saya mencoba berbagai metode namun tidak membuahkan hasil, akhirnya saya mencoba mengorek apa yang ada dipikirannya, maka saya mendapatkan jawaban yang mengejutkan, ia mengatakan ia memang bodoh, ibunya selalu memukul kepalanya sambil berkata bodoh, dan ia berkata saya memang tidak akan bisa apa yang diajarkan ini karena saya memang bodoh" jadi perlakuan ibunya dan julukan atau sebutan bodoh itu sudah demikakian terpatri dipikirannya sehingga saat diajarkan ia sudah duluan berpikir tidak bisa, sehingga tidak menyerap apa yang diberikan. Setelah mengetahui hal ini, saya mendekati ibunya dan berkata ia tidak boleh laghi memukul anaknya dikepala bahkan dimanapun, dan jangan pernah lagi mengucapkan kata bodoh dan kata-kata kasar lainnya. Dan setelah itu ada perubahan yang ditunjukkan anak, ia mulai menyerap pelajaran yang saya berikan, namun sayang sebelum pengajaran ini tuntas, keluarga ini pindah ke Meulaboh dan saat liburan saya bertemu dengan ibunya - ia dengan bangga berkata anaknya di sekolah Meulaboh (dimana tepatnya saya tidak begitu jelas) mendapat juara. Namun saya sendiri tidak merasa bangga karena rasanya anak tersebut belum pulih seluruhnya dari rasa tidak percaya diri, jadi apakah benar ia dapat Juara saya menyangsikannya dan kalaupun benar ia mendapat Juara maka kualitas anak-anak disekolah tersebut yang rendah dan rasanya juga perlu mendapatkan bimbingan.
Jadi alasan saya mendirikan Children Learning Center di Leupung ini berangkat dari pengalaman saya sejak tahun 1992 hingga akhirnya saya mendirikan Yayasan secara legal pada tahun 1994, anak - anak kadangkala tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan bebas dengan orang tua mereka, karena tradisi menyatakan orangtua harus menanamkan bibawa dan rasa takut pada anak sehingga mereka menjadi patuh, Alhamdulillah ayah saya dan ibu tidak demikian, mereka sangat komunikatif sehingga kadangkala saya merasa terlalu ikut campur, tapi saat saya memahami pentingnya komunikasi dan melihat pengalaman keluarga lain, maka saya merasa sangat bersyukur.
Kita semua pasti mengenal Darwin dengan tiorinya yang spaktakuler, namun Darwin mengakui bahwa otaknya bukanlah otak pemikir sehingga iapun tidak menggunakannya untuk menyerap pelajaran lebih dari satu jam, kalau ia tidak melakukan itu mungkin ia tidak akan pernah menghasilkan karyanya. Nah jika orang secerdas Darwin saja tidak mampu berkonsentrasi dalam waktu panjnag tanpa merasa lelah, maka seharusnya kita memahami anak-anak kita yang seringkali kita tuntut untuk belajar berjam-jam lamanya dan jika ia tidak mampu maka kita akan menyebutnya malas. (Leonard G. Guthrie, Functional Nervous Disorder in Childhood, 1909)
Saturday, 14 March 2015
How To Read a Book
Membaca tulisan Mortimer J. Adler & Charles Van Doren yang telah ditranlate ke Bahasa Indonesia dan dipublikasikan tahun 2007 setelah buku ini direvisi pada tahun 1972, maka yang teringat oleh saya adalah betapa lambatnya kita merespon buku yang demikian baiknya, terlebih lagi kalau membaca pengantarnya yang menyebutkan bahwa buku ini sudah terbit pertama kali tahun 1940.
Pada blog saya ini, saya juga telah menulis "tehnik Membaca Cepat" tapi tampaknya tulisan tersebut tidak pernah dibuka oleh para browsing internet dan ini menunjukkan bahwa "membaca" tidak menjadi perhatian banyak orang, padahal kalau mau dikaji kembali Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW pun perintah pertama yang didapatnya adalah "BACA" jadi mengapa kita mengabaikan itu?
Di era internet ini, arus informasi sangat deras. Dari informasi paling canggih sampai informasi paling sepele, bisa kita temukan di internet. Tapi seringkali juga yang terjadi adalah kita terbawa kebiasaan instan. Mencari informasi dari satu sumber saja tanpa mencari sumber lainnya untuk mengkonfirmasi. Mungkin ini disebabkan karena kita mulai melupakan kebiasaan membaca. Lebih parah lagi kalau kita merasa mengetahui sebuah berita hanya dari judulnya saja. Kebiasaan membaca harus ditanamkan sejak dini dan terus dipupuk agar generasi muda kita mempunyai pola pikir yang lebih kritis.
Maka tidak mengherankan bila sering kali, jika seorang mahasiswa mendapat tugas skripsi atau makalah, dia merasa tegang melihat banyaknya buku yang harus dibaca. Jika dia tidak membaca, tulisannya akan terasa dangkal. Akan tetapi, untuk membaca bahan bacaan yang banyak dan tebal, dia merasa tidak sanggup.
Demikian juga dengan profesional atau karyawan. Mereka sadar, dengan membaca bisa meningkatkan pengetahuan dan wawasannya. Namun, kapan dia bisa membaca jika setiap kali pulang ke rumah badan sudah sangat capek.
Sebenarnya masalah membaca bisa diatasi jika memiliki keterampilan membaca cepat. Salah satu Presiden Amerika Serikat, Theodore Roosevelt, di tengah kesibukannya masih bisa membaca tiga buku setiap harinya. Sedangkan Presiden John Kennedy diketahui bisa membaca 1.000 kata per menit.
Dengan memiliki keterampilan membaca cepat, maka bisa membantu kita dalam melaksanakan penelitian dan mencari dengan cepat keterangan atau informasi yang dibutuhkan.
Kunci untuk bisa membaca dengan cepat adalah kesadaran bahwa tidak setiap kata yang tercetak di dalam buku harus dibaca. Dan, tidak semua detail dalam bacaan itu harus dipelajari.
"Sayangnya, banyak pembaca yang merasa bersalah jika tidak membaca keseluruhan kata dalam kalimat. Padahal, cara seperti itu tidak efisien karena menghabiskan waktu," kata Soedarso, penulis buku Speed Reading: Sistem Membaca Cepat dan Efektif dalam seminar membaca cepat yang diselenggarakan Gramedia Penerbit Utama pada Gramedia Fair di Jakarta, Kamis (22/7).
SEBELUM memulai belajar membaca cepat, hitunglah dulu kecepatan membaca yang dimiliki. Seseorang baru dikatakan mampu membaca cepat jika bisa membaca 1.000 kata per menit.
Cara menghitung kecepatan membaca adalah carilah teks bacaan yang memiliki kolom yang sama, seperti kolom koran. Hitunglah dalam satu baris ada berapa kata. Misalnya setiap baris rata-rata memiliki lima kata. Kemudian mulailah membaca dalam satu menit. Hitung berapa baris yang bisa dibaca, lalu kalikan jumlah kata yang ada dalam satu baris. Angka yang didapat dari perkalian itu merupakan angka kecepatan membaca.
Langkah pertama untuk mempercepat keterampilan membaca adalah berani membuat prioritas membaca. Jangan membaca yang tidak dibutuhkan. Buatlah katagori bacaan apa yang dapat menambah informasi, meningkatkan studi, meningkatkan karier dan pekerjaan. Jika memang masih mempunyai waktu luang, barulah membaca yang menarik perhatian.
Permasalahan dalam membaca
Banyak kebiasaan yang bisa menghambat dalam membaca cepat. Antara lain, vokalisasi atau membaca dengan mengeluarkan suara, membaca dengan gerakan bibir, menunjuk bacaan yang dibaca dengan jari, dan melakukan gerakan kepala. Ada kalanya kita mengulang apa yang dibaca karena tadi hanya membaca sepintas. Selain itu hambatan kecepatan membaca terjadi jika kita melakukan subvokalisasi atau melafalkan di dalam batin. Akibatnya, kecepatan membaca berkurang.
Soedarso mengakui, hambatan kecepatan membaca itu biasa terjadi karena ingin berkonsentrasi, menghadapi bacaan yang sulit dan penting, bermaksud menghafal, atau berada di lingkungan yang gaduh.
Selain itu, kecepatan membaca juga tergantung pada materi yang dibaca. Jika yang dibaca adalah bacaan ringan seperti fiksi maka bisa membaca dengan cepat. Namun, jika yang dibaca adalah bahan penelitian atau analisa, tentu lebih lama. "Jalan keluarnya, bacalah dulu ringkasan dari bacaan nonfiksi itu. Dengan demikian kita bisa lebih cepat memahami bacaan itu," kata Soedarso.
Untuk meningkatkan kecepatan membaca, harus dilatih keterampilan dasar, yakni membaca dengan hanya mengandalkan gerakan mata, membaca frasa bukan kata, dan cepat mengenali kata kunci. Konsentrasilah untuk mendapatkan ide dan jangan melamun. Kecepatan membaca ini bisa dilatih dalam waktu dua sampai tiga bulan.
Hal yang penting dalam membaca adalah memahami ide bacaan. Bukan mengoreksi kata per kata atau jika ada salah cetak. "Kita tidak perlu menguasai seluruh isi bacaan karena akan memperlambat membaca. Yang penting kita bisa memahami hingga 80 persen," tegas Soedarso.
Untuk memudahkan mendalami buku, kita harus menemukan ide pokok pada setiap buku yang meliputi: ide pokok buku keseluruhan, ide pokok bab, ide pokok bagian bab, dan ide pokok paragraf.
Ide pokok bisa didapat dengan cara melakukan skimming atau membaca garis besar untuk mendapatkan ide bacaan. Banyak orang mengartikan skimming sekadar menyapu halaman. Padahal, arti yang sebenarnya adalah suatu keterampilan membaca yang diatur secara sistematis untuk mendapatkan hasil yang efisien.
Kemampuan menangkap ide pokok merupakan tahapan pertama untuk memajukan pemahaman. Untuk mendapatkan ide pokok dengan cepat, pembaca harus berpikir bersama penulis, mengikuti struktur dan gaya penulisannya. Jika ada yang penting dan harus diingat, tidak ada salahnya membuat catatan kecil atau ringkasan. Ini untuk memudahkan seseorang jika suatu waktu membutuhkan kembali informasi tersebut.
Nah, ingin tahu lebih jauh tentang membaca, maka belilah buku How To read a Book karya Mortimer J Adler & Charles Van Doren, namun tentu saja bila anda bukan seorang Pembaca, atau ingin menjadi pembaca, maka tidak ada gunanya membeli buku tersebut kalau hanya akan jadi hiasan di almari saja, lebih baik anda kunjungi saja Perpustakaan saya di Leupung - maka anda dapat membaca secara gratis disana, he he he.....
Saturday, 7 March 2015
Sebagai negara kepulauan (juga dikenal sebagai negara maritim), Indonesia memiliki perairan yang sangat luas, dimana 75% dari luas negara Indonesia berupa perairan laut dengan panjang pantai mencapai 81.000 Km, dan Zona Ekonomi Ekslusif (ZEE) seluas 5.800.000Km2. Dengan demikian jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain, maka luas perairan Indonesia merupakan terbesar kedua setelah Amerika Serikat.
Dengan luas perairan tersebut, menurut data Ditjen Perikanan, potensi lestari produksi perikanan Indonesia mencapai 6,7 juta ton ikan per tahun. Namun produksi perikanan secara nasional realisasinya rata-rata sebesar 45% saja, atau sekitar 3 juta ton per tahun. Rendahnya produksi ini pada akhirnya menyebabkan kontribusi sub-sektor perikanan pada perolehan devisa ekspor nasional juga menjadi relatif rendah, yaitu sekitar 7,6%. Oleh sebab itu harus ada upaya-upaya untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan sumber daya perairan Nusantara, yang berorientasi ekor untuk meningkatkan devisa negara, disamping untuk memenuhi peningkatan kebutuhan gizi masyarakat
pada umumnya. Upaya-upaya itu antara lain melalui pengembangan agribisnis perikanan dan membangun industri perikanan yang berdampak
luas terhadap pengembangan ekonomi di daerah sekitarnya.
Upaya memanfaatkan sumber daya perikanan Nusantara secara optimal ternyata masih menghadapi berbagai kendala, seperti masalah pendanaan (permodalan); teknologi penangkapan; budidaya (teknologi dan keterampilan); teknologi pengolahan; serta penyediaan armada kapal penangkapan ikan. Masalah lain yang diidentifikasi menghambat laju pertumbuhan produksi perikanan nasional adalah, masalah perizinan yang kurang efisien; pelayanan pelabuhan dan TPI (Tempat Pelelangan Ikan) yang dianggap mengakibatkan biaya tinggi; kurang terpadunya rencana tata ruang di wilayah laut dan pantai; masalah pencurian ikan; dan sebagainya.
Keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana penangkapan, khususnya kemampuan armada penangkapan ikan (yang sebagian besar masih menggunakan
perahu tanpa motor atau dengan motor-motor kecil) sehingga wilayah operasional penangkapan ikan terbatas sekitar pantai. Oleh sebab itu, dibeberapa daerah banyak mengalami padat tangkap namun arealpenangkapan terbatas, sedangkan di areal lepas pantai (belum termasuk ZEE) kapasitas penangkapan masih terlalu longgar, sehingga produksi perikanan menjadi rendah.
Namun demikian, peluang untuk mengembangkan agribisnis perikanan masih tetap terbuka, yaitu melalui upaya pengembangan budidaya
perikanan. Budidaya perikanan yang telah berkembang selama ini, adalah budidaya tambak udang dan bandeng. Sedangkan budidaya perikanan darat,misalnya ikan mas, mujair, gurame, nila, dan ikan kolam air tawar lainnya,serta melaui media karamba (baik di danau dan sungai).
Khusus untuk budidaya perikanan laut memang belum begitu populer,mengingat teknologi ini baru diperkenalkan pada awal tahun 1990-an. Dibeberapa daerah, usaha pengembangan budidaya perikanan laut (terutama dengan karamba jaring apung) misalnya ikan kerapu yang berorientasi ekspor telah berkembang dengan baik, antara lain di Aceh, Sumatera Utara,Simatera Barat, Kepulauan Riau, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah,Sulawesi Tenggara, dan Maluku.
Pengembangan budidaya ikan kerapu (Groupe/Trout) dengan karamba jaring apung (Kajapung) menjadi alternatif untuk mengatasi kendala peningkatan produksi perikanan laut. Yang paling penting dengan pengembangan usaha ini adalah, bahwa harga jual produksi dari tahun ketahun semakin baik dan sangat prospektif. Selain itu dengan teknologi budidaya karamba ini, produksi ikan dapat dipasarkan dalam keadaan hidup, dimana untuk pasaran ekspor ikan hidup nilainya lebih mahal hingga mencapai 10 kali lipat dari pada ekspor ikan fresh.
Nah, bagi anda yang ingin membuka usaha keramba ikan kerapu silahkan download disini.
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
Tsunami Aceh Desember 2004 sudah berlalu 10 tahun, namun bagi diriku dan kebanyakan diantara kita, peristiwa itu seakan baru saja terjadi kemarin, dan setiap pembicaraan akan tsunami selalu membuat mata berkaca-kaca dan suara menjadi serak.
Bagi saya pribadi saya sudah pasrah dan ikhlas akan kehilangan kedua orang tua saya, serta kehilangan keponakan serta sanak saudara lainnya, namun entah kenapa setiap bertemu dengan orang tua yang perawakannya mirip dengan Bapak atau ibu saya, maka hati saya tersentak dan menatap mereka dengan penuh harap bahwa mereka adalah Bapak atau ibu saya, saya mengharap mereka tidak hilang atau meninggal saat tsunami, saya selalu mengharap (dibawah sadar) bahwa mereka ternyata terhanyutkan ketempat lain dan selamat - hilang ingatan sehingga tidak kembali ke kampung halamannya (bagaikan di film), namun hidup ini bukanlah film yang bisa kita atur sebagaimana kehendak kita.
Anda mungkin akan berkata "ah, saya tidak seperti itu, kini saya telah dapat hidup dalam keadaan "normal" kembali seperti sediakala. (saya memberikan tanda petik pada kata normal karena hal inilah yang patut menjadi renungan kita semua karena apa yang terjadi pada saya "mungkin" juga dirasakan oleh kita semua di Aceh saat ini.
Mungkin kita dapat bertepuk dada menyatakan bahwa sebagai orang Islam kita lebih tawakal dari orang kafir dalam menerima musibah tusnami yang datang 10 tahun yang lalu, namun mari kita jujur pada kita sendiri kenapa setiap pembicaraan tsunami saat ditanyakan dimana, bagaimana kita saat tsunami terjadi, maka kita saat membuka kembali lembaran hari itu seakan-akan terasa Tsunami 26 Desember 2004 bagaikan baru terjadi beberapa saat yang lalu, kemarin, minggu lalu, bulan lalu? Rasanya angka 10 tahun itu berlalu bagai mimpi.
Anda masih coba mengingkari hal tersebut diatas, coba ingat kembali mengapa saat kita menceritakan ayah, ibu, abang, adik atau saudara kita, kawan kita yang telah menjadi korban bencana tsunami tersebut,, mata kita masih berkaca-kaca, suara kita menjadi parau dan bayangan saat 26 Desember 2004 bermunculan dimata kita? Atau kenapa dada ini terasa sesak, nafas rasanya berat setiap kata tsunami diucapkan, kisah tsunami diceritakan?
Bila ini belum membuat anda sadar, maka berjiarahlah ke Makam Para Syuhada korban Tsunami, baik di Ule Lhe maupun di Jalan Blang Bintang, ucapkan salam dan doa lalu pejamkan mata anda dengarkan semilir angin yang lewat maka Demi Allah bila air mata anda tidak menetes, mata anda tidak basah dan jiwa anda tidak ingin menjerit, segera pulang dan kunjungi psykiater!!!!
Pertanyaan besarnya KENAPA ini semua terjadi?
Jawabnya sederhana saja, kita memang tawakal dalam menerima musibah bencana tsunami ini, tapi jiwa kita butuh pelampiasan kesedihan yang semua ini tidak kita dapatkan karena kemanapun kita berpaling maka semua yang kita lihat juga mengalami musibah yang sama seperti kita, kita tidak memiliki 44 hari berkabung, 44 hari untuk kita melampiaskan kesedihan kita, 44 hari untuk berbagi duka (oleh karenanya kenapa dalam Islam masa berkabung, masa idah ditetapkan 44 hari) - Ini yang tidak kita miliki, ini yang telah kita lewati sehingga kesedihan dan kehilangan yang maha besar itu terpendam jauh dilubuk hati yang terdalam, maka percayalah walaupun 10 tahun lagi kita lewati maka JIWA-JIWA KOSONG yang berseliweran di Tanah Rencong ini akan terus berkeliaran dan terus mencari KEPUASAN YANG FANA yang perlahan-lahan akan menyeret kita keambang kehancuran keambang kesesatan dan PINTU NERAKA YANG MENGANGA menunggu kita semua.
Wah kok begitu sih, anda pasti bertanya?
Lihatlah kesekeliling anda, lihatlah kedalam diri anda, maka kita akan temukan betapa saat ini kita berlomba untuk membuat rumah yang bagus, mengejar mobil yang bagus, menghabiskan waktu didepan gadget yang modern dan lupa pada sekitar kita. Masih tidak percaya, lihatlah kembali kemana kita saat liburan, Sabtu dan Minggu?, Liburan Sekolah,, Cuti Tahunan? Kita akan memilih berekreasi kepantai, kerestoran mahal, kekota besar, ke luar negeri. Bagaimana dengan saudara di kampung, mungkin anda akan berkata, payah kalau ke kampung mereka tahunya hanya minta bantu ini dan itu, mereka bukannya membuat anda refresh tapi menjadi beban tambahan namun mungkin anda lupa mereka juga terkena dampak tsunami seperti anda. Artinya kita semua terkena sindrom limpahan bantuan NGO International pasca tsunami, semua kemudahan, semua pemberian itu membuat kita lupa pada hakikat kehidupan, kita dipaksa berpacu untuk mendapatkan berbagai bantuan yang ditawarkan, mulai dari rumah, modal kerja dll dan ini terus berlanjut hingga kini, kita membuat berbagai proposal bantuan ke pemerintah dan pemerintah yang juga adalah kita tidak mau kalah, kenapa bantuan harus mengalir kemereka saja, saya juga perlu lantas terjadilah berbagai praktek SIMSALABIM.
Kita bagai berpacu untuk mendapatkan kembali apa yang telah hilang akibat musibah tsunami, kita berlomba untuk mendapatkan kembali rumah yang telah hancur, motor atau mobil yang hilang, kita terus terpacu untuk mengejar kembali yang hilang berikut bunganya sehingga kita tidak puas dapatkan kembali rumah bantuan sederhana sehingga sebagian tidak cukup dapat satu, ingin dapat dua, tiga, kita tidak puas dengan ukuran kecil kita rombak dan kita buat minimalis, bertingkat, kita tidak puas hanya naik avanza kita berlomba beli fortuner, atau mobil yang mewah lainnya, kita terus berlomba menggapai kebahagiaan yang kita kira akan kita dapatkan dengan segala property yang kita miliki, kemewahan yang kita miliki sehingga lupa hakekat kebahagiaan bukan pada harta, namun jiwa-jiwa yang kosong ini terus menggapai-gapai meraih mimpi yang fana.
Lantas apa yang harus kita lakukan????
Bila tiba pada pertanyaan ini maka saya juga BINGUNG, namun setelah saya kaji lebih dalam maka semua ini sebenarnya mungkin karena saya dan kita semua masih kurang IKHLAS dalam berbuat. Semoga ALLAH mengampuni saya dan kita semua.
NELAYAN (Potensi Laut Aceh 2 + Proposal Boat Jaring Ikan dan Bagan Apung)
Mungkin anda ingat lagu saat anda kecil dulu, kira-kira begini syairnya : “Nenek moyangku orang pelaut, gemar mengarung luas samudra, menerjang ombak tiada takut menempuh badai sudah biasa,...”.
Nelayan adalah golongan dalam masyarakat yang menggantungkan hidupnya dari menangkap ikan. Ikan hasil tangkapan tidak lagi sekedar untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya sendiri untuk keluarga akan tetapi sebagian besar untuk tujuan dipertukarkan dengan kebutuhan hidup lainnya secara langsung atau dijual secara tunai di pasar. Mereka yang hanya mencari ikan untuk sekedar lauk-pauk tidak digolongkan sebagai nelayan.
Di Sepanjang garis pantai Indonesia yang sangat panjang, hidup jutaan rakyat yang menggantungkan hidupnya dari menangkap ikan dan karena kemampuannya berlayar dengan ilmu navigasi turun temurunnya, mereka juga ambil bagian dalam perniagaan secara terbatas menghubungkan daerah-daerah yang terisolasi oleh lautan. Mereka secara tradisional telah menjadi penghubung pertama antara Jawa dengan Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Kepulauan Maluku, Papua, Nusa Tenggara atau sebaliknya.
Kekayaan Indonesia tidak perlu diragukan lagi keberadaannya. Dengan luas wilayah laut terbesar di dunia yaitu 5,8 juta km2, kekayaan laut Indonesia sangatlah melimpah. Letaknya yang menjadi penghubung dua samudera dan dua benua, Samudera India dengan Samudera Pasifik, dan Benua Asia dengan Benua Australia, menjadikan Indonesia memiliki keanekaragaman hayati yang tinggi.
Bahkan karena luas lautan yang begitu besar, dimana hampir 70% wilayah Indonesia merupakan lautan yang luas, Indonesia dikenal sebagai “ The Largest Archipelago Country in The World”.
Namun, julukan tersebut tidak lantas menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara yang mengembangkan potensi lautnya sebagai komoditas utama. Berdasarkan data yang didapatkan dari Bappenas, kontribusi sektor perikanan Indonesia hanya US$ 1.76 milyar atau sekitar 20%. Padahal di negara lain khususnya negara kepulauan, kontribusi sektor perikanan terhadap GDP masing-masing negara sangat besar.
Contohnya adalah Islandia, yang sektor perikanan nya menyumbangkan kontribusi sebesar 65%. Negara lain adalah Norwegia 25%, Korea Selatan sebesar 37%, RRC 48.4%, dan Jepang 54%. Bahkan China yang hanya memiliki luas perairan 8,8% dibanding Indonesia memilki kontribusi sebesar US$ 34 milliar. Sangat disayangkan, mengingat potensi perikanan Indonesia yang besar yakni potensi perikanan tangkap Indonesia lebih dari USD 15 milliar, perikanan air tawar lebih dari USD 6 milliar, dan perikanan budidaya tambak dan udang windu sebesar USD 10 milliar.
Jika ditilik lebih mendalam, ada beberapa hal yang menjadikan sektor perikanan Indonesia tidak berkembang, yakni Infrastuktur yang minim, kebijakan yang tidak berpihak pada pengembangan sektor perikanan, minimnya kondisi perlengkapan dan pemahaman nelayan, serta rendahnya supporting aspects berupa bahan bakar minyak (BBM).
Memang tidak salah bila Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti bermimpi bahwa setiap desa nelayan tradisional di berbagai kalangan pesisir di Tanah Air dapat memiliki bandara agar lebih mudah mengirim hasil tangkapan mereka.
Menurut Susi, hal itu agar hasil tangkapan nelayan tradisional bisa langsung diangkut dan kemungkinan dapat langsung diekspor sehingga hasilnya juga bisa langsung dinikmati oleh nelayan tradisional di daerah tersebut.
Sebagaimana diketahui, untuk komoditas perikanan, harga rata-rata ikan segar biasanya dihargai lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan harga rata-rata ikan yang sudah lama dibekukan.
Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan juga menyatakan keheranannya bahwa di Thailand yang garis pantainya sepersepuluh lebih kecil dari Indonesia tetapi hasil ekspornya hingga lima kali lebih besar dari Indonesia.
Nah, berdasarkan uraian diatas, maka alangkah menyedihkan bila ternyata saat ada bantuan untuk nelayan, juga disunat oleh oknum pelaksana proyek bantuan tersebut, semua pihak yang terlibat ikut dalam pemotongan dana bantuan tersebut sehingga akhirnya bantuan yang diterima nelayan hanya sekitar 50% saja.
Dan terlepas dari semua itu, potensi usaha nelayan sangat baik, sehingga perlu terus kita support.
Berikut saya lampirkan proposal boat nyaring ikan untuk yang memerlukannya, silahkan download disini, berikut rencana anggarannya disini.
Bagi yang ingin menjalankan usaha penangkapan ikan yang lebih besar seperti usaha palong ikan (Bagan Ikan) silahkan download proposalnya disini, dan rencana pembiayaannya disini.
Semoga berguna dan bisa meningkatkan usaha perikanan kita.
Monday, 2 March 2015
Potensi Laut Aceh (Proposal Pengelolaan Ikan Kering)
Nothing wrong with the one in the vision of President Jokowi is making Indonesia the world's largest maritime country. Because according to the Director of the Indonesian Maritime Institute (IMI) Dr. Julius Paonganan, M.Sc, the potential of Indonesian marine reaches sixfold State Budget (APBN). However, even though Indonesia is a country rich in marine, but the potential of maritime not fully utilized.
Tak salah jika satu diantara visi pemerintahan Presiden Jokowi adalah menjadikan Indonesia sebagai Negara maritim terbesar di dunia. Karena menurut Direktur Indonesia Maritime Institute (IMI) Dr. Yulius Paonganan, M.Sc, potensi laut Indonesia mencapai enam kali lipat Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN). Namun, meskipun Indonesia merupakan negara yang kaya laut, tapi potensi kelautannya belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal.
“Total potensi ekonomi maritim Indonesia sangat besar. Diperkirakan mencapai Rp 7.200 triliun per tahun, atau empat kali lipat dari APBN 2014 (Rp 1.800 triliun) ,”ujar Yulius pada seminar bertajuk “Menggagas Maritime Policy di Negeri Bahari” di Jakarta beberapa waktu lalu.
Dijelaskannya, potensi kelautan yang begitu besar pada dasarnya dapat mendorong pembukaan lapangan kerja. Namun, lantaran tidak dikelola dengan baik, maka hasilnya pun minim.”Ditaksir lapangan kerja yang tersedia sekitar 30 juta orang,” imbuhnya.
Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang sangat luas dan banyak menyimpan kekayaan alam. Dengan luas lautan hampir 70% dari total keseluruhan luas negara Indonesia, Sebesar 14 persen dari terumbu karang dunia ada di Indonesia. Diperkirakan lebih dari 2.500 jenis ikan dan 500 jenis karang hidup di dalamnya, tetapi belum banyak dipahami betul nilainya bagi bangsa Indonesia.
Pengelolaan perikanan akhir-akhir ini menjadi sangat menonjol tidak saja karena potensinya yang besar untuk memperbaiki kehidupan ekonomi rakyat, tetapi juga karena banyaknya pencurian-pencurian ikan di laut serta cara penangkapannya yang tidak berkelanjutan (sustainable). Walaupun sumber perikanan Indonesia cukup besar, karena hakikatnya yang di beberapa tempat cukup sensitif terhadap overeksploitasi dan pencurian, pengelolaannya pun harus dilakukan dengan hati-hati.
Oleh karenanya sebagai negara yang memiliki banyak pulau, negara kita juga memiliki banyak laut yang berarti pula menghasilkan banyak ikan. Ikan merupakan bahan makanan yang banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat dalam dan bahkan luar negeri. Selain karena rasanya, ikan banyak disukai karena memberi manfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh yaitu mempunyai kandungan protein yang tinggi dan kandungan lemak yang lebih rendah dibanding sumber protein hewani lain. Namun, ikan cepat membusuk karena adanya bakteri dan enzym jika dibiarkan begitu saja tanpa proses pengawetan. Proses pengawetan ikan yang umum dilakukan adalah dengan penggaraman, pengeringan, pemindangan, pengasapan dan pendinginan.
Berangkat dari uraian tersebut diatas, maka Aceh sudah selayaknya juga mulai memikirkan dan mengembangkan potensi kelautannya untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat nelayan serta mengembangkan usaha-usaha terkait seperti pengolahan ikan asin dan ikan kering lainnya yang cocok sekali untuk memanfaatkan hasil tangkapan nelayan yang saat musimnya melimpah ruah sehingga harga jualnya sangat murah.
Usaha ini akan menjadi alternatif bagi masyarakat saat sedang musim tidak melaut baik karena badai maupun halangan lainnya, sehingga kebutuhan akan protein hewani tetap terpenuhi dan pengusaha ikan asin atau ikan kering, juga akan tetap mendapatkan pemasukan yang baik untuk kebutuhan hidupnya.
Nah bagi anda yang tertarik ingin mengembangkan usaha pengolahan ikan asin ataupun ikan kering, silahkan download proposalnya disini dan budgetnya disini
Semoga bermanfaat.
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Proposal Taman Bacaan Masyarakat
Taman Bacaan masyarakat atau TBM adalah salah satu wadah yang bergerak dibidang pendidikan yang mempunyai tujuan untuk meningkatkan kembali minat baca masyarakat tanpa membedakan status sosial, ekonomi, budaya, agama, adat istiadat, tingkat pendidikan dan lain sebagainya.
Taman Bacaan masyarakat Merupakan upaya meningkatkan akses bahan-bahan bacaan bagi masyarakat melalui pembentukan Taman Bacaan Masyarakat (TBM) yang mampu melayani kegiatan membaca dan menulis bagi masyarakat.
Bagi masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya ekonomi menengah ke bawah, membeli buku adalah sesuatu yang berat. Tentunya selain buku pelajaran untuk sekolah anak-anaknya. Mungkin bagi sebagian dari mereka, membeli beras dan kebutuhan lainnya lebih penting. Tak dapat dipungkiri, memang.
Salah-satu solusi untuk persoalan ini adalah dengan dibentuknya Taman Bacaan masyarakat, dimana masyarakat dapat menikmati isi buku tanpa mengeluarkan uang.
Bagaimana perkembangan Taman Bacaan Masyarakat sekarang? Setelah beberapa pelopor, pendiri dan relawan dengan gigih mengajak sesama relawan dan masyarakat umu untuk turut membangun TBM di lingkungannya, kini TBM telah marak diberbagai daerah. Tentunya, masih dubutuhkan TBM-TBM selanjutnya. Agar sosialialisasi gerakan membaca merata.
Bagaimana membangun sebuah Taman Bacaan Masyarakat? Kita ambil contoh TBM YPKGM. Sebuah Taman bacaan Masrarakat yang berada di Kabupaten Aceh Besar, tepatnya di Kecamatan Lhoknga/Leupung.
Taman Bacaan ini dibangun oleh Kak Ubit dengan bermodalkan buku-buku koleksi pribadinya yang dikumpulkannya sejak SD hingga SMA, mulai majalah SIKUNCUNG (saat itu BOBO belum ada) hingga Novel 5 Sekawan dan Album Cerita Ternama, ia awalnya menggunakan ruang tunggu kantor Camat Lhoknga/Leupung untuk pertemuan dengan anak-anak yang berkeliaran yang dikumpulkannya untuk mendengar ceritanya, lalu ia meminjamkan buku-buku yang dibawanya untuk dibawa pulang anak-anak dan dikembalikan pada pertemuan berikutnya.
Kak Ubit mengatakan bahwa kegiataanya itu menraik perhatian Asisten Direktur PT. Semen Andalas Indonesia dan menawarkan untuk menggunakan Gedung kontrolir Belanda yang terbengkalai di kompleks kantor Camat itu (dulu digunakan sebagai Kantor Camat, namun karena sudah dibangun gedung baru untuk Kantor Camat, maka gedung itu terbengkalai, bocor disana sini.
Kak Ubit menyambut baik tawaran itu, lalu pihak PT. Semen Andalas Indonesia merehab gedung tersebut dan menjadikannya Balai Pemuda dan diserahkan pengelolaannya pada Kak Ubit (Teuku Syafrizal).
Ia awalnya membuka Perpustakaan 3 kali dalam seminggu sesuai dengan jadwal kegiatan pembinaan seni drama, puisi dan tari yang digunakannya untuk daya tarik bagi anak-anak berkumpul dan berlatih seni peran dan ia memotivasi anak-anak sambil menunggu kawannya berkumpul agar mereka membaca buku.
Kegiatannya ini berkembang pesat dan perpustakaan dibuka setiap hari kecuali hari minggu, dan kawan-kawannya juga mulai membantu kegiatannya sehingga anggota Perpustakaan dan anak-anak binaannya mencapai 350 orang lebih.
Nah, bagaimana dengan anda, berminat mendirikan Taman Bacaan Masyarakat juga? Tidak susah kok, ini saya bantu dengan proposal yang dapat anda download gratis disini dan untuk anggarannya dapat didownload juga disini dan silahkan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda.
Ok nanti saya lanjutkan lagi sejarah saya mendirikan TBM hingga kini membangun Children Learning Center (Pusat Kegiatan Anak) dan semoga bermanfaat ya!!!